DANGANRONPA Trilogy Pack + Happy Danganronpas High School C


"Danganronpa Series" finally appears for the first time on Nintendo Switch! 3 works released in the past+new board game will be released as a set! The "Danganronpa" series refused the contradiction of the opponent in the class trial and murder case. It is a high -speed guessing action that reveals the culprit.
In this work, a story begins when high school students with super -class talent from all over the country are trapped in the school facility by "Monokuma", which claims to be the director of the school. In order to go outside, the students need to conduct a class trial to find the culprit and the culprit. When the student's death was discovered, he entered a class trial part, which is a two -way debate with the other party after a investigation part that gathers testimony and evidence. Class trials are expanded at high speed and tempo, and uses the action to refuse the contradiction of the other person's remarks.
A class trial that combines reasoning and action games allows you to enjoy an unprecedented exciting game experience. In addition, the Nintendo Switch version adds a gallery function that allows you to browse the voices, facial expressions, in -game illustrations, and configuration materials.
The new board game "Happy Danganronpa S Super High School Class Tropical Psycho Train Camp" has appeared! Board games, which were popular in "New Danganronpa V3", will be greatly powered up. The character that appeared in the series so far will be an all -star work that will co -star in a dream, and a tropical training camp will be held in the tropical resort Jabowock Island, which will improve your talents through training and battles.
In this work, the total number of events between characters beyond the barriers of the series exceeds 1,000, and new swimwear illustrations of characters are prepared. In addition, as a new collection element, it is also equipped with a monomon machine where you can get a collaboration that has actually been made into goods.