Karl Jenkins

Karl Jenkins : Piano

Ausgabe: Songbook

Arrangement: zweihändiges Klavier

Sprache: - (instrumental)

Seitenzahl: 64 Seiten


Benedictus, from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace
White Water
Hymn, from Adiemus: Songs of Sanctuary
Lullay, from Stella Natalis
The Prayer: Laudamus te, from Gloria
Adiemus, from Adiemus: Songs of Sanctuary
Agnus Dei, from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace
Quirky Blue
Pie Jesu, from Requiem
Ave verum, from Stabat Mater
Healing Light: a Celtic Prayer, from The Peacemakers
I'll Make Music, from Gloria
In paradisum, from Requiem
And the Mother did Weep, from Stabat Mater
The Girl with the Green Eyes
Canción plateada, from Adiemus Colores
Only Heavenly Music, from Stella Natalis
Lacrimosa, from Requiem
Kyrie, from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace
The Mystics

Schwierigkeitsgrad: 2-3 von 5 (leicht bis mittelschwer)

1 = sehr leicht (Anfänger, Kinder)
2 = leicht (fortgeschrittene Anfänger, Autodidakten, Wiedereinsteiger)
3 = mittel (Fortgeschrittene)
4 = schwer (ambitionierte Fortgeschrittene)
5 = sehr schwer (Profis)

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