23 Tuning Forks- 7 chakras + 11 Planetary + 5 Sharps wholesale lot+Free Activatr

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This auction is for Professional 23 Pieces(7 chakras+11 Planetary+5 sharp ).


High Quality Tuning Forks.

directly from Manufacturer and a reputed ebay seller.


Have a look at 7 pieces Chakra Tuning Forks.

 Product Description-

7 Pc Chakras.

the Chakras are said to be "force centers" or whorls of energy permeating, from a point on the physical body, the layers of the subtle bodies in an ever-increasing fan-shaped formation (the fans make the shape of a love heart).

Rotating vortices of subtle matter, they are considered the focal points for the reception and transmission of energies. The Chakra Set is a set of Tuning Forks that can be used with the chakra system. It is based on the mathematical rotation of the planets around our Sun. These forks are NOT based on a musical scale.

They work more on the cosmic multi-dimensions of our chakras, our not noticeable bodies or subtle parts. They also work on pathways as well as other gateways of energy. The planetary cycle of the solar System is used to arrive at accurate formulae on which these tuning forks have been created. This links them to our cosmic multi-dimensional selves. Our this self is eternal, very not noticeable and approachable through layers, ladders, gateways and manifold levels of energy. These Tuning forks prepare pathways to a Cosmic Universal understanding of Life and our Soul's infinite relationship to it. In comparison, It is unlike the Harmonic Spectrum Set, which is tuned to the Pythagorean Scale (also known as the Just Scale) and is more in touch with the physical plane of existence and works at a more physical level. The physical plane is more concentrated, crystallized in definite form, cognitive and revolves around the 5 human senses and various parts of our physical body like the tissues, fluids, bones, organs, etc. A Swiss mathematician and musicologist Hans Cousto had developed them.

These 7 Tuning forks are based on:

 1st Root/Muladhara (also Earth Day) 194.18 Hz

 2nd Sacral/Svadhisthana (also Synodic Moon) 210.42 Hz

3rd Solar Plexus/Manipura (also Sun) 126.22 Hz

4th Heart/Anahata(also Earth Year)(also OM Fork) 136.10 Hz

5th Throat/Vishuddha (also Mercury) 141.27 Hz

6th Third Eye/Ajna (also Venus) 221.23 Hz

7th Crown/Sahasrara(also Platonic Year) 172.06 Hz


1st ROOT/Muladhara/BASE- 194.18 Hz – It is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human potentiality. This centre is located in the region between the genitals and the anus.The ROOT fork is the same frequency as an Earth Day which is 24 hours. The color is Orange-Red. It is effective on the pubic bone and coccyx.

2nd SACRAL/Svadisthana - 210.42 Hz – This chakra is considered to correspond to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle.This tuning fork is the same frequency as the Synodic Moon, which is the time of the full moon. This frequency stimulates sexual energy and supports erotic communication. Also good for woman's cycles and for disturbances of the glandular and lymphathic systems.It is also considered to be related to, more generally, the genitourinary system and the adrenals The color is Orange.

3rd SOLAR PLEXUS/Manipura - 126.22 Hz - The SOLAR PLEXUS tuning fork is the same frequency as our solar systems central star, the Sun. This fork helps in metabolic and digestive systems. The color is Green.

4th HEART/Anahata - 136.10 Hz (Cosmic OM) - The HEART tuning fork is tuned to the OM vibration and resonates to the Earth Year or the time it takes the Earth to rotate around the sun, which is one year or 365 days. It helps in relaxation.Effective for immune system and circulation. The color is Blue-Green. It helps in spirituality and devotion.

5th THROAT/Vishuddha - 141.27 Hz - The THROAT tuning fork is the same frequency as the planet Mercury. It is related to communication and growth through expression. This tuning fork is helpful for throat,for thyroid, a gland that is also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation.. The color is Blue.

6th 3RD EYE/Ajna - 221.23 Hz - The 3rd EYE tuning fork is the same frequency as the planet Venus. This fork helps in pineal glads. The pineal gland is a light sensitive gland that produces the hormone melatonin which regulates sleep and awakening.. The color is bright Yellow-Orange. Use this tuning fork on the 3rd Eye, directly between the eyebrows.

7th CROWN/Sahasrara - 172.06 Hz - The CROWN fork is the same frequency as the Platonic Year, which is 25,920 years. It is generally considered to be the chakra of pure consciousness. Its role may be envisioned somewhat similarly to that of the pituitary gland, which secretes hormones to communicate to the rest of the endocrine system and also connects to the central nervous system via the hypothalamus.. The color is Red-Violet/ Purple. It helps in Universal conciousness,meditation and unity.It brings joy and happiness.Use this tuning fork on the crown chakra at the top of the head in alignment with the tops of the ears.      

Have a look at 11 Pc Planetary Tuning Forks Product Description-11 Pc Planetary Tuning Forks The Cosmic Octave Tuning Forks are 11 tuning forks are based on the work of Hans Cousto. These forks resonate to the Orbit of each planet of our Solar System- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and also Moon and Sun. The planets in the solar system impart significant impact on human lives. Planetary influences can also be seen in our day-to-day affairs. Cosmic rays coming on earth from planets are absorbed by our body and are converted into an electric energy. This energy is then radiated in the form or our thinking and actions. Different people radiate in the form of our thinking and actions, Different people radiate different levels of electric charges/vibrations depending upon the extent of cosmic rays absorbed by them. The frequency of planets are derived from it’s diameter, circumference, rotational velocity, orbital period and many more factors. Each tuning fork is tuned in such a way that it corresponds to frequency of each planet, Sun or Moon. Each fork can benefit us in multiple ways. The potential for healing is enormous, not only for human beings, but for all of life. All of the Chakra Set forks except the Heart and Crown chakras are in this set. So by adding the Heart & Crown chakra forks from the Chakra Set, you have both a Planetary Set and a Chakra Set.


The 11 Tuning forks are based on


Sun (also Solar Plexus/Manipura) 126.22 Hz

 Mercury (also Throat/Vishuddha) 141.27 Hz

Venus (also Third Eye/Ajna) 221.23 Hz

Earth (also Root/Muladhara) 194.18 Hz

Mars 144.72 Hz 

Jupiter 183.58 Hz

Saturn 147.85 Hz

Uranus 207.36 Hz

Neptune 211.44 Hz 

Pluto 140.25 Hz

Moon (also Sacral/Svadhisthana) 210.42 Hz

Product Description-

5 Pc Sharp Tuning forks The Sharps Set consists of 5 tuning forks that, like the Harmonic Spectrum Set, are based on the Pythagorean Scale, also known as the Just Scale. The Sharps Set fills in the missing links between the chakras and the basic frequencies of life. They are the in betweens, the links that are key in the transitions from one frequency to the next, from one chakra to the next, from one element to the next in the process of human involution & evolution. The Sharps Tuning Fork Set has 5 tuning forks. These are based on the Pythagorean or Just Scale. The Harmonic Spectrum Set is also based on this scale. The Sharps Set & the Harmonic Spectrum Set together make a complete octave in the Scale mentioned above. Their frequencies are derived from the Traditional Hindu ChakrasThey are in the same middle octave with C being the root chakra, D the sacral charka and so on.This set occupies the absent link between the basic frequencies of life & the charkas. This link is very important when you have to do any of the following:- When transition is to be made from one frequency to another. When transition is to be made from one charka to the next. When transition is to be made from one element to the next during human evolution and involution. It is very important in the vibrational makeup of all life. It should be noted that all these frequencies are of the vibrations from intersections of Ida and Pingala while they cross each other at the Sushumna. Only the A# is an exception to this fact.

The 5 Sharps Tuning forks are based on :-

Sacred Chalice C# 266.6 Hz

Dan Tien D# 300 Hz

Higher Heart - F# 355.5 Hz

Brain Stem G# 400 Hz

Higher Brain Centers A# - 444.4 Hz

Sacred Chalice - C# 266.6 Hz –

The Sacred Chalice is the physical container into which the Divine can enter and be held. In other words, it is a channel for Divine Energy and Consciousness. This frequency of the Sacred Chalice resides between the root and sacral chakras. The color is Orange-Red. Dan Tien - D# 300 Hz - This is frequency of the Dan Tien. Dan Tien is described as an important focal point for internal meditative techniques and refers specifically to the physical center of gravity located in the abdomen (about three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel). The dantian or dan tien is important in breathing technique and meditation. it is considered the physical center of gravity of the human body and is the seat of one's internal energy. The color is Gold. Higher Heart - F# 355.5 Hz - This is frequency of the Higher Heart.It is located between throat and heart.It is also called Ananda Khanda. it is an important activator of higher consciousness. When open and balanced we feel compassion and forgiveness for all including ourselves. The color is Blue-Green. Brain Stem - G# 400 Hz - This is frequency of the Brain Stem. The brain stem (or brainstem) is the lower part of the brain, adjoining and structurally continuous with the spinal cord. this is an extremely important part of the brain as the nerve connections of the motor and sensory systems from the main part of the brain to the rest of the body pass through the brain stem. The brain stem also plays an important role in the regulation of cardiac and respiratory function. It also regulates the central nervous system, and is pivotal in maintaining consciousness and regulating the sleep cycle. The color is Royal Blue. Higher Brain Centers - A# 444.4 Hz - This is frequency of the Higher Brain Centers. Higher brain centres act as "training wheels" for the lower brain by enabling it to adapt to injury. These areas of the brain not only regulate everything in our physical body, but also beyond physical levels. The color is Indigo-Vio

About Tuning Forks


Tuning Forks used for healing are a key aspect of sound and vibrational healing therapy. This alternative form of therapy involves using specific pitches, sounds, and vibrations to relieve stress, relieve pain and bring about homeostasis within the body. Tuning forks are used to treat everyone from children to adults and even pets.

Tuning forks are used for healing because of their ability to emit vibrations and frequency. When a tuning fork is struck, it not only vibrates the fork itself, but it also vibrates the surrounding air space with the same frequency of vibration. This sends the vibration as an impulse through the air. This vibration can be harnessed to help increase the healing energy inside us.

Who are using these Tuning Forks?




Meditation Seekers


Sound treatment Practitioners.

What are the benefits of using these Tuning Forks?

Tuning Forks benefit all levels of human beings. Sound and frequency effects every atom & every cell. They assist in the following ways:-

Improve overall physical health.

Relieve pain and stress.

Balance Nervous system.

Reduce Inflammation.

Uncover & balance emotions.

Induce relaxation.

Transform and facilitate inner harmony and wholeness.

What is the difference between weighted and unweighted Tuning Forks?


These Forks work more on the Physical level.

One can feel the vibration more stronger & at a deeper level, when its stem is placed on the body. This is due to the weights at the end of each prong.

The sound lasts longer, but is softer & more diffused.

They are heavier in weight.

They are shorter in length than the same fork in Unweighted type.


These are excellent to use for pain relief, reducing inflammation and inducing relaxation.

They are normally placed on the body or by the ears.


These forks work more on Subtle level.(delicate or mysterious)

They move in a physically lesser motion. The feeling of the vibration is more subtle, when its stem is placed on the body.

The sound does not last as long, but it is sharper & more crystallized.

The Unweighted tuning fork is plain at the end of each prong and work like this:-

They are lighter in weight.

They are longer in length than the same fork in weighted type

These are excellent to use for mental and emotional balance, improving energy field, improving physical health and promoting spiritual upliftment, helping to create inner harmony and wholeness.

These forks are placed around the body or by the ears.

To tone them,one could gently tap two forks together or strike them on the Tuning Fork Activator or Mallet.

What is the correct way of holding a Tuning Fork?

The Fork should not be held by the prongs. It will stop the vibration. The correct place to hold it is from The Stem Handle. 

How can a Tuning Fork be tuned?

This can be done in several ways:-

By tapping two tuning forks gently against each other- This method is used to get the loudest sound. Be careful not to nick them.

By using rubber mallet- This is also used for louder sounds.

By tapping on knee cap - This is another method for toning tuning forks. By tapping gently on knee, tuning forks can be toned. This method can be used for slightly louder sound.

By using activator- This is also used to generate slightly louder sound.

Using Thigh or Palm- You can use hard muscle such as the thigh near the knee or the firmest part of the palm of your hand to tone tuning forks for softer sound.

Important things to follow while toning Tuning Forks

Keep your wrist flexible when holding the tuning fork.

Grasp it firmly at its end but keep your fingers relaxed

Bend your elbow when holding it. There shouldn't be any tension in your arm, which travels to your hand and makes using the tuning fork harder

Hold the tuning fork on its side so you're striking only one of the prongs.

The "U" shape causes both sides to vibrate and produces a smooth soundwave.

Strike the tuning fork prong about one-third of the way from the top. This is important to get the best sound.

Quality & Accuracy

Quality of tuning forks mainly depends on 2 factors - type of material used and frequency accuracy.

At tuningforkshop, we never compromise on these two factors. With years of experience behind us, we are able to produce one of the finest tuning forks available in the market especially for healing purpose. All our tuning forks are made from special grade Aluminium alloy and frequency is guaranteed to tuned to an accuracy of +/- 0.25%.

Why Aluminium Alloy Tuning Forks are better than Stainless Steel Tuning Forks?

The Aluminum forks sustain longer pure tones as well as ring sustained overtones.

The rich overtones produced by Aluminium alloy tuning forks create a deeper and richer experience. Overtones create an atmosphere where one can connect with one's multi-dimensional essence.

Aluminium alloy forks are softer than steel forks, so they are easier to use for longer sessions.

Aluminium forks lasts longer. We have seen that even a 15-20 years old Aluminium fork vibrates and give rich overtones the same way like a new fork.

Aluminium forks are cheaper in price than steel forks.

All our products are delivered in 4-7 business days time after the payment is received.

We ship by reputed courier company such as Fedex, tnt, DHL etc or by EMS Express depending on location.

We ship Worldwide Except India

We will not ship to P.O.Box/APO address

Product is shipped immediately once the payment is cleared.

Insurance is included in this auction.

International import duties, taxes etc are paid by the buyer and we are not responsible for that.

Tracking can be given on request.

Payment Instructions

Payment is due in 7 days time.

We accept Paypal .

Return Policy

We always try to give the best of our products and services to the customer. Each product will be as per description and pictures in our auction. We believe in customer satisfaction. Please check our ebay feedback .If not satisfied, we accept return.

Note: We do not ship to India





Note: All tuning forks are tested with +/- 0.25% accuracy and All Pipes,chimes, chime bars and Singing Bowls tested at +/- 0.5% accuracy which is very good accuracy for healing grade products.
Note: For buyers other than USA and Australia, there may be import charges that buyer may have to pay depending on customs of buyer's location and order value. These import duties are to be paid by the buyer and we are not responsible for this. Thank you.
The Sacred Chalice is the physical container into which the Divine can enter and be held. In other words, it is a channel for Divine Energy and Consciousness. This frequency of the Sacred Chalice resides between the root and sacral chakras. The color is Orange-Red. Dan Tien - D# 300 Hz - This is frequency of the Dan Tien. Dan Tien is described as an important focal point for internal meditative techniques and refers specifically to the physical center of gravity located in the abdomen (about three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel). The dantian or dan tien is important in breathing technique and meditation. it is considered the physical center of gravity of the human body and is the seat of one's internal energy. The color is Gold. Higher Heart - F# 355.5 Hz - This
Features Easy to Use
Features Reusable
Absolutely New set made from High Quality Aluminium
UPC Does not apply
Country/Region of Manufacture India
Volume 5.1 fl oz
Color Silver
Manufacturer Warranty Lifetime
Model Medical Tuning fork
Product Type Tuning Forks
Type Machine made and not moulded
Country//Region of Manufacture India