Harley Black Denim Base Coat / Clear Coat set

1 can Base coat Black Denim


1 can SprayMax 3680065 Matt 2K Clear Coat

Hardened urethane 

12 ounce spray cans  

Expedited shipping is not available Federal rule ground transported shipping Only

 ORMD restricted ground only transport

Directions for use:
Always start by washing the area that you are painting with liquid dish soap and water or wipe the area down with a wax and grease remover. You should then lightly scuff the area that you are painting with a gray scotch-brite pad, this will give the paint something to stick to. If using primer use a red scotch-brite pad before applying primer. After applying primer wait 1 hour (or until fully dried), and then sand with 600 grit sandpaper.

First test the spray can on something besides your car. Do this to get used to how the can sprays. Then spray the area that you are repairing with 2 to 3 coats of color (or until full coverage is achieved) waiting 10 minutes between coats. If you are using clear coat wait 45 minutes before starting to apply the clear coat. Apply 2 to 3 coats waiting 10 minutes between coats.

Flexible Bumpers
Our paints are extremely flexible and can used over metal or plastic. You will not need an additional flex additive for flexible bumpers.