Miel de Amor Jabon Esoterico Con Feromonas

Atraiga el amor y el afecto de la persona que desea. Esta preparación contiene feromonas muy potentes para atraer a un amante e influir en su comportamiento.

Estos Jabons Son Usados Por Décadas Por Todos Los Conocedores De Las Ciencias Místicas, Maestros De Las Ciencias Ocultas, Chamanes, Consultantes.

Love Honey Esoteric Soap with Pheromones'

Honey of Love with Pheromones Attract Be Loved HONEY OF LOVE. Attract the love and affection of the person you desire. This preparation contains very powerful pheromones to attract a lover and influence their behavior.

These Have Been Used For Decades By All The Connoisseurs Of The Mystical Sciences, Masters Of The Occult Sciences, Shamans, Consultants.

I'm dedicated to providing 5 gold star service and 100% satisfaction to every buyer. 

Please email me via ebay with any questions or concerns before bidding and/or after receiving product

  I will do my best to resolve any problem. 

Thank You! 

Disclaimer: Pursuant to the current State and Federal laws, we are unable to make any claim as to the effectiveness either magickal or medicinal of any of our products. While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only"