7 CHAKRA Balance Energizer

Silver Plated and 3" Round

Center Stone Conical Pyramid Energy Generator

With 7 Chakra Stones

The Chakras are centers of activity that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy. They are responsible for the person's physical, mental, and spiritual functions.

According to the traditional writings there are 88,000 chakras in the human body covering basically every area in the body.

The most significant ones are the Seven Main Chakras located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are located in the ethereal body and they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane.

The activities in the chakras influence our body shape, glandular processes, chronic physical ailments, thoughts, and behavior.

When one (or more) of the chakra is blocked and the energy does not flow harmoniously through them, or it is wide open, it will result in imbalance that is manifested in all areas of life.

Each chakra is expressed on the physical body in one of the endocrine glands that regulate physical and emotional processes in the body. The imbalance in the chakra will also be expressed in the endocrine gland linked to it.

Red, the First Chakra:

The Base or Root Chakra located at the very bottom of the spine, the Root Chakra governs issues around physical self-preservation. These issues include survival, security and safety, as well as primal erotic and procreation urges.

Balanced energy:  Centered, grounded, healthy, fully alive, unlimited physical energy can manifest abundance. Takes good care of the body. People who have open root chakras love their lives - love their physical incarnation in their present bodies.

Excessive energy:  Egoistic, domineering, greedy, sadistic, sexual energy entirely genital. Judgment and biased opinions.

Deficient energy:  Lack of confidence weak, can't achieve goals, suicidal, sexual energy, feel unlovable, little interest in sex, masochistic. Fear and insecurity. Blockage in this energy center of the body can result in a core sense of unworthiness and self-doubt and shame. Thought forms such as "I don't deserve love," "I'm ashamed of who I am," and "I'm always misunderstood," are common in people with a blocked Root Chakra. They try to compensate for these feelings by acquiring, keeping and controlling material possessions, by becoming addicted to material things.

Illness:  Drug addictions, anemia, cancer, arthritis, heart disease, gynecological problems, Aids, herpes, candida. Decreased immune system. Lower back pain. Constipation. Physical problems with the coccyx, anus and genitals are associated with the First Chakra.

Glands/organs:  Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones.

Orange, the Second Chakra:

The Sacral or Spleen Chakra is located a few inches below the belly button and is the place of your emotions creativity, sexuality, emotions, and intuition on the gut level.  It is influenced by how emotions were expressed ot repressed during childhood.  The sexual center for women.

Balanced energy:  Friendly, concerned for others, sense of belonging, intuitive, good sense of humor, Radiate warmth and compassion.

Excessive energy:  Emotionally explosive, overly ambitious, manipulative, caught up in illusions, overindulgent, sexual energy, see people as sex objects.

Deficient energy: Shy, timid, immobilized by fear, overly sensitive, self negating, burdened by guilt, sexual energy-clinging, gulity about having sex, abused, frigid, or impotent

Illness: Kidney weakness, constipation, muscle cramps, lack of energy, allergies, repression and inhibition.

Glands/organs:  Skin, kidney, mammary glands. Ovaries, testicles, prostrate, spleen

Yellow, the Third Chakra:

Solar plexus chakra located below the breast is center of personal power. When the solar plexus is open, you have found your unique gift, the work that gives you pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled. One way to find your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doing when you were a child, this will give you clues about your natural inclinations. In marital arts the third chakra is considered the center of Chi, the life force energy (also known as Reiki).

Balanced energy:  Outgoing, cheerful, self-respect, respect others, strong sense of personal power, skilful, intelligent, relaxed, spontaneous, expressive, take on new challenges, enjoy physical activities and good food.

Excessive energy:  Judgmental, workaholic, perfectionistic, overly intellectual,may need drugs to relax, sexually inhibited, can't show emotional warmth.

Deficient energy:  Depressed, lack of confidence, worry about what others think, confused, poor digestion, afraid of being alone, sexual energy-insecure, need constant reassurance, jealous, distrustful.

Illness:  Digestive difficulties, gas, food allergies, liver problems, diabetes, over-sexed, gall stones, muscle cramps, spasm, depression, difficulty breathing

Glands/organs: The diaphragm, the breath, adrenals, skin, digestive organs, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder, liver.

Green, the Fourth Chakra:

The Heart Chakra located in the middle of the chest is the center of compassion, when the heart is open you transcend the limits of your people, plants, animals, all of life. This is the humanitarian center, you care about social causes like saving the whales and the planet earth. The heart makes you see through the eyes of compassion. The Heart Chakra is the gateway into the higher states of consciousness. It is the portal through which we radiate the great power of unconditional love and how we receive from the universe. Awakening the Heart Chakra is one of the most important steps that we can take on our spiritual journey through life. True healing of old emotional wounds comes from here. With a strong heart energy, we stop clinging to old hurts and pain and feel forgiveness.

Balanced energy:  Compassionate, empathetic, humanitarian, see the good in everyone, desire to nurture others, friendly, outgoing, in touch with feelings, sexual energy-can surrender and merge in a love relationship, can wait for the right partner. When in balance you begin to express and receive abundant love. You find out what you love to do and then you do it. Your life purpose becomes clear as you express the energy of love. You love what you do and it shows. You are able to accept those you meet and accept then for what they are without being drawn into their drama. You begin to give of yourself freely and openly without looking or expecting anything in return. Love is the natural state for the mind and body. Exampled by the love for a child or an animal. You give love without expecting anything in return – you love for the sheer joy of loving.

Excessive energy:  Demanding,overly critical, possessive, moody, melodramatic, manic-depressive,use money or sex to control people. Martyr, a master of conditional love"I love you if" withhold love to get the desired behavior: "You wouldn't do that if you really loved me."

Deficient energy:  Paranoid, feel sorry for yourself, indecisive, afraid of letting go and bee free. Sexual energy - feel unworthy love, can't reach out, terrified of rejection, need constant reassurance.

Glands/organs:  Heart, lungs, immune system, thymes gland, lymph glands.

Illness:  Heart pain, heart attack, high blood pressure, negativity, fatigue, difficulty breathing, tension, insomnia, anger, paranoia, cancer.

Blue, the Fifth Chakra:

The Throat Chakra located at the bottom of the neck is the center for communication, when this center is open; you will have a powerful desire to talk about what you´re experiencing. When you do this, some of your old friends will fall away, but your true friends will always be there for you, so let go of the ones who are uncomfortable with the new person you are becoming. You'll find that there are many new and wonderful friends who will be magnetically drawn to you as your own energy changes.

Balanced energy:  Contented, centered, can live in the present, sense of timing, good speaker, artistic, can meditate and experience Divine Energy. Sexual energy, can seek bliss through meditation.

Excessive energy: Arrogant, self-righteous, talk too much, dogmatic, addictive, sexual energy-macho, prefers partners who can be dominated.

Deficient energy: Scared, timid, hold back, quiet, inconsistent, unreliable, weak, devious, manipulative. Can't express your thoughts, sexual energy-can't relax, feel conflict with your religious upbringing, may be afraid of sex.

Glands/Organs: Thyroid, parathyroid, throat, mouth, teeth.

Illness/problems: Communication and/or speech problems. Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of discernment, thyroid and immune system problems.

Indigo, the Sixth Chakra:

Third Eye or Brow Chakra is located at the base of the skull, at the medula oblongata and is the center of psychic powers and higher intuition, you can receive guidance, channeling,and tune into your higher self. This is the center that enabels you to experience telepathy, astral travel and past lives.

Balanced energy:  Charismatic, can receive guidance, not attached to material things, no fear of death, master of yourself, sexual energy-you no longer need another person to complete yourself.

Excessive energy:  Egomaniac, proud, manipulative, religiously dogmatic, authoritarian

Deficient energy:  Non assertive, undisciplined, oversensitive to the feelings of others, afraid of success, schizophrenic (unable to distinguish between Ego self and Higher self).

Glands/organs:  Pineal, pituitary, brain, eyes, ears, nose.

Illness: Confusion, mental illness, bad eyesight, lack of clarity, psychic exhaustion.

Violet, the Seventh Chakra:

Crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is the connection to the divine, spirit guides and source of spiritual energy

Balanced energy:  Miracle worker can transcend the laws of nature, total access to the unconscious and the subconscious.

 Excessive energy: Constant sense of frustration, unrealized power, psychotic, depressed, manic-depressive, migraine headaches, destructive, sexual expression, sometimes passionate, sometimes distant.

Deficient energy:  No spark of joy, catatonic, can´t make decisions

Glands/ organs: Pituitary, pineal, nervous system, brain. Cerebral cortex, right eye.

Illness: Stress, worry, hysteria, right-left brain balance, headache, depression.

PLEASE NOTE- These are made with natural stones.
They may include small Inclusions, or what appear to be cracks in the stones.
These are NOT broken stones, but naturally occurring qualities of the stones themselves.
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