Custom 3D Printing in PLA

Placing an Order in 3 simple steps.

  1. Email us the file you would like us to print  (.STL file format)

  2. We will email you back with an invoice after calculating the cost of the part. 

  3. Once you agree to the terms of the invoice we will print a sample and ship it for a final agreement before printing the complete batch. This is how we can offer 100% satisfaction guarantee.


Q:What happens if the print fails?

A: If the print fails, we will print it again. If it fails again, we will print it again. If it fails again, we will email you and let you know that the item could not be printed. This could happen for many reasons, but the most likely reason is that your file is just plain... weird. Without getting nerdy into 3D printing speak, there is a lot that goes into making a file print well and we are relying on your file to do that. If your file just isn't great, it won't print well. Most files are fine, though.

Q: What happens if the print doesn't fit what I'm using it for?

A: This is always an inherent risk in 3D printing. A file that someone made and put on Thingiverse could be perfect for their printer and too big or too small on someone else's printer. While rare with recent advances in printing, it still happens from time to time. Ultimately, we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We ship out a sample first before we print the batch

Q: Why is my order taking longer than 24 hours?

A: Odds are that your file is repeatedly failing on our printers and we are trying to fine-tune as much as we can to get you a satisfactory print. Printing can be a hassle! Please be patient. Your order is being worked on. You'll either get a shipping notification or an email from the team letting you know that the print failed (rare).

Q: Do I really have to pay the shipping on a $5 part?

A: If the order is under $50 in value, yes. Even if your part is cheap and light, there is still going to be a cost (typically $3.60+) to ship even the lightest of prints. 

Q: Can you print in TPU? ABS? Anything other than PLA? PLEASEEEE?

A: No, sorry. We specialize in PLA.

Q: How many printers do you have going? What are your printer types? What are your print settings?

A: What is this, 20 questions?! We have a print farm of roughly 10 Prusa I3 MK3 printers. The print settings are different and custom to each printer. Our team does not have the manpower to offer print settings, print tips, or help you with your own printer. Sorry!! We wish we could, their are just only so many hours in the day.

Q: Can you help me with my own 3D printing?

A: Unfortunately we will politely tell you that we do not offer this service. If we do not sell it, we do not offer customer support for it.

Q: Why are your prints so cheap?

A: Because we love our customers! Thank you for supporting our family :). 

What can 3D Printing be used for?

Consumer-wise, 3D printing can help create personalized trinkets and decorations, practical household objects, figurines, and more. However, this technology presents the strongest advantages for professional use cases, which is our focus. Thanks to the large number of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies available and the diversity of compatible 3D printing materials, an almost infinite range of applications exist with 3D printing.