Some of the contents in this issue
Cute full page color Tartan sun lotion ad with lady in swimming suit. Gorgeous full page color Jantzen swim suit ad. Full page color Nash car ad with art by Boris Chaliapin. Cartoonist David Low looks at Truman. Arabs sack Jerusalem. Close-up - Gene Autry, Inc, nice long article with lots of photos. Lovely two page color Swift's meats ad with art by Stan Ekman, grocer in shop. Photo essay - the Clothing Workers' union, with photos of David Zwiren, Rose Colluccio, Abraham Wirsokey, Ernest Preedik, Martin Krolack, Israel Weinstein and others. Kent Crew, crewing boat team. Radio - “The masked spooner.” Artist Leon Kroll, famous for painting nudes. Full page color Western Electric ad with art by James Bingham. Ultramodern house causes consternation in Oklahoma, home of H.E. Ledbetter, design by Bruce Goff. Nice full page color United States Brewers Foundation beer ad with "Around the Swimming Pool" art by John Gannum. Life looks at the habits of U.S. Executives, including Bradley Dewey (Dewey and Almy Chemical Company), Allan Forbes (Boston's State Street Trust Company), Frank Stanton (CBS)William H. Danforth (Ralston Purina), James Petrillo (Musicians Union boss), Preston Sturges (Hollywood producer), Robert R. McCormick (Chicago Tribune), Drew Pearson (Washington columnist), Henry Rosenfeld (dressmaker). Glowworms in Waitomo Cave in New Zealand. Cute half page ad for Whizzer Bike motor.