Blue Spruce

The bark is thin and scaly. The crown is conical in young trees and cylindrical in older trees. Shoots are thick, orange-brown, usually smooth. The needle leaves are 15-30 mm long, thick, pale taupe or bright blue, pointed at the tip, with a single stomatal band underneath. The needle leaves give off a bad odor when they are plucked.

Cones are pendulous, elongated, cylindrical, 6-11 cm long, 2 cm wide when closed, and 4 cm wide when open. Thin flexible cone scales are 20-24 mm long with wavy edges. The reddish-violet colored cones mature after 5-7 months. Seeds are black, 3-4 mm long, elongated, wing 10-13 mm, dull brown.

Please Read Carefully the Technical Information of Blue Spruce Seed to be Sent

-Product to be sent: The product to be sent to you is seeds. There are seeds in the package in the amount specified in the product name. It will be sent in special design seed shipping packages.
-Seed Sowing Time: Anytime in spring, autumn and indoors
-Seed Sowing Distance: You can sow 100-120 cm between rows and 80-100 cm between rows.
-Blue Spruce Seed Sowing Depth: 2-3 times the seed diameter. Planting the seed too deep will prevent seed emergence. Therefore, be careful not to plant it deep.
-1 Gram Seed Amount: There are 150-200 Blue Spruce seeds.
-Number of Plants Required per Decare: Depending on the average planting distance and field conditions for 1 decare, between 700 and 800 plants are required.
-Cold Folding: If the seeds are to be planted outdoors in winter planting, they will take cold folding when planted in the early period, but they are planted in late spring or in summer plantings, the seeds must be kept in a damp cloth in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 months at +4 degrees to get this cold folding.
-Estimated Germination: Germination will occur in 2-3 months.