Tensor Rings Trio Set Necklace, Set of Lost Cubit Tensor Ring, Sacred Royal Cubit Tensor Ring and Cubit Measure Tensor Ring with natural stone bead 10 mm.

Adjustable necklace with stone bead pendant with tensor rings, crafted with the knowledge of sacred geometry and produces energy used for healing, meditation and spiritual development. The added bead affects your chakra. Some minerals and stones also have their own power and positive energy.

A set of 3 Slim Sparling rings on necklace with : 144, 177, 188 MHz.
177 MHZ Cubit - Lost Cubit Tensor Ring influents on DNA frequency, etheric and emotional body, chronic diseases and their causes, bad habits, excess weight, working through situations, building relationships with people, working with intentions, awareness and karma, cleanses the environment.
144 MHZ Cubit - Sacred or Royal Cubit Tensor Ring effectives for eliminating all the problems of the physical body on a 3-dimensional plane - treatment, suppression of the influence of geopathogenic zones, creating comfortable conditions, structuring water and space.
188 MHZ Cubit – NEW (Empowerment) Cubit Measure Tensor Ring . Synergizes well with the 144 and 177. Resonates with and decalcifies the Pineal, helps release Programs and Beliefs. Place the rings on the body, over the chakras, around the limbs, under the head, and over any organ that is causing the ailment. The session should last at least forty-five minutes, and can last more than two hours.

The Stone’s bead 10mm ring color is possible to choose is influences to chakras.
I offer a few different colors bead for next chakras:
1. Muladhara, the Root Chakra: Color Red. The root chakra is the first energy wheel and serves as an opening and anchor to the rest of the primary chakras.
Due to its connection to courage, willpower, survival, safety, and vitality, the Muladhara is closely linked to physical needs, which is represented by the red color. Like its color, the red chakra tells us to slow down, be mindful, and remain safe.

2. Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra: Color Orange. The sacral chakra is the center of physical needs, pleasure stimulation, creativity, and self-worth. Like its color, the orange chakra exudes a feeling of warmth and excitement.
Being the center of passion, the Svadhisthana begets not only the power to create but also to control the desire and needs of the body.

3. Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra: Color Yellow. Meaning: The solar plexus chakra boasts the color of sunshine and is located above the navel. It is your constant source of power and where self-confidence manifests. Besides, it is associated with your sense of sight.
The strength of the yellow color shines bright like the uncovered sun and illuminates the “I” — your sense of self. Besides, the yellow chakra helps you feel confident, motivated, and powerful.

4. Anahata, the Heart Chakra: Color Green. The heart chakra is the balance point of all the other chakras and your center for compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and love.
Besides, the green chakra is represented by an equal amount of yellow and blue, giving it equivalent attributes of these two colors.
Moreover, the Anahata guides the feelings of trust, generosity, and gratitude in a person, which are in line with the meaning of the color green.

5. Vishuddi, the Throat Chakra: Color Blue. The throat chakra is responsible for the ability to communicate, creativity, and self-expression.
As it is near the end of the color spectrum, blue allows for the calmness of the mind and the slowing down of racing thoughts, enhancing your verbal and writing communication, and subsequently, your creativity.
Beyond that, the blue chakra allows you to use your energy effectively, especially in the artistic world.

6. Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra: Color Indigo. The third eye chakra affects universal consciousness, clarity, intuition, and self-knowledge. It also makes the link between the soul and the world around it clearer.
The color indigo is made up of two colors–blue and red, each with its own functions. With red’s energy and blue’s calm, indigo is a color that inspires reflection and self-awareness. It balances the energy, power, and intensity of red and the relaxation, stability, and insight of blue.
Mastery of the indigo chakra leads to spiritual clarity, insight, and enhanced “sixth sense.”

7. Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra: Color Purple/Violet. The crown chakra has the most spiritual properties of all seven chakras. The Sahasrara is also associated with the color purple/violet, which is widely associated with spirituality. Also, violet and white are considered universal colors.
The purple chakra is the center of enlightenment, dynamic thoughts, and spirituality.

Product thickness: 2.3 mm
Material: Pure copper 1.3 mm
Every piece is unique and handmade with love, positive energy and in an eco-friendly way!
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