Vivillon (#666) - Pin 3x Gifts to Catch Yourself - Pokémon GO

1 order will grant you 3 gifts to pin and then you will catch your Scatterbug, which will evolve into your desired pattern Vivillon. You will NOT need to wait 3 days to get your Scatterbug — I will add you from 3 separate accounts so you can pin my gifts and catch it on the same day!

How to obtain
When you place your order, you can either:
1. Attach your friend code in the seller's note
2. Attach your friend code in a message to me after you order
(This will speed up the process)

If you don't attach your trainer code or message me, I will reach out to you within 24 hours and ask for your trainer code. When I get your trainer code, I will add you from 3 separate accounts so that you can accept. When you accept my 3 friend requests, I will send you 3 gifts for you to pin and catch your Scatterbug.

Please note
You will not be obtaining a Vivillon from me through trading. You will be catching it yourself within the same day. Thank you and have a great day!

Have other questions?
If you have any other questions, please reach out to me first via private message or add me on Discord: iki#5522