JBL Pronovo Pleco Wafer

Main food for small and medium-sized plecos.

No processing of cheap fish meal, uses fish meat from fish fillet production with the motto: The large fillet for humans and the small fillet for our aquarium fish.

For years JBL has also supported the largest international organisation for the protection of sharks “Shark Project”. Animal welfare is important to us!

Package contents: original sealed, air- and light-tight, recyclable tin with dosing aid inside the lid

Contents: main food, for aquarium fish. After opening use up within 4 months. Unopened also storable for 3 years in high-quality packaging with foil seal.

Other good reasons to use JBL fish food:

Use: allow to sink to the aquarium ground. For twilight and nocturnal species, feed only after switching off the lights

Sizes Available:

Feeding recommendation: Feed 1 – 2 times a day, as much as can be eaten within a few minutes. Young, growing fish 3 – 4 times a day in the same way.