This book has been a journey quite a few great people I want to mention and acknowledge in this works. Taken some time to think about this and logic says first of all has to be my grandmother Ellen Thompson (nee Foyle) who kept and wrote the diaries from which I created and based this story of old time policing upon. Then has to be my mother who kindly handed these to me to work with. 

There’s been a lot mentioned in this story of similarities between my grandfather and myself in our passion for Policing. I want to mention two Constabularies I have worked within Hampshire Constabulary and currently Dorset Constabulary. The previous involvement with Hampshire Constabulary saw me develop a great friendship with our Police and crime commissioner at the time, who has kindly consented to being mentioned and has written some thoughts to be included within this book for which our family is truly grateful. This is a lovely little bit old old time Police history and if you buy it please ask for it to signed to you or anyone you want a copy for.