Book one: Pioneer Puzzle:

Nathan and Aria have a secret ...

Things start to get strange when one Sunday after church a game of tag takes the twins under the stage where the chairs are usually kept.

Crawling through the dark space, they quickly realize they are no longer in the cultural hall. In fact, they're not even in their own time! Nathan and Aria find themselves with a group of pioneers about to head into the Salt Lake Valley.

What will the children learn from the pioneers? How will the twins get back home?

Find out in book 1 of
The Enchanted Tunnel series!
Book two - Escape from Egypt:
After learning about pioneers in their Primary class, twins Nathan and Aria end up in the gym after church, waiting for their mother. When a game of tag takes them to the space underneath the stage, they soon find themselves at the end of a long tunnel, where a cave opens up and they meet a pioneer boy their age by the name of Joseph F. In Book 1, Pioneer Puzzle, Nathan and Aria learn to gather firewood, milk cows, and round up missing oxen as they discover what it really means to be a pioneer.

Book 2,
Escape from Egypt, finds the twins in ancient Egypt. All dressed up as pioneers, Nathan and Aria head through the tunnel again. But this time, they find themselves in Egypt on the eve of the Exodus. Excitement turns to fear when the twins must decide if they should head back through the tunnel to escape Pharaoh's army, or help an Israelite boy who has been left behind.

- A great way to get beginning readers interested in the scriptures and Church history.
- Fun Facts and Author s Notes give readers the "real scoop" behind the stories. For example, in Book 1:
Pioneer Puzzle, readers can learn more about the boy, Joseph F., and how he would become the sixth prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--Joseph F. Smith.
- A delightful read for all ages.
Book 3 - Journey to Jerusalem:
The excitement continues for twins Nathan and Aria as they crawl under the cultural hall stage and through the Enchanted Tunnel into two new adventures. In book 3, Journey to Jerusalem, Nathan and Aria head to the Far East and Solomon s Temple, where they hear twelve-year old Jesus teaching the priests.