Mayan's Secret offers a unique selection of products inspired by ancient traditions and natural ingredients. We showcase a variety of items, such as organic carrier and essential oils, beauty products, and superfood products. With a focus on quality, we promote self-care and enhance the senses.




Amla oil, also known as Indian gooseberry oil, is cold-pressed extracted from the seed of the Emblica Officinalis plant.
Commonly used in Ayurveda, this yellowish-brown oil is high in vitamin c with strong antioxidant properties. This virgin material has not gone through a refining process and exhibits a characteristic aroma and flavor
Adds luster and strengthens hair Amla Oil moisturizes, adds shine, and strengthens hair.
Aids Dandruff It prevents dry skin, irritation, and flakes that can cause dandruff

Nourishing Skin Elixir: Enhances soft and smooth skin with an even skin tone

Skin Hydration and Balance: Great for face moisturizing and reducing blemishes, acne, scars, and wrinkles

Strengthen and Nourish Hair: Stimulates hair growth and perfect for easily irritated and sensitive skin



    Discover Radiant Beauty with Mayan's Secret Amla Oil - Elevate Your Skincare Routine Naturally!


    Mayan's Secret Amla Oil
    coconut oil
    rosemary essential oil

    Massage the blend into scalp and hair, leave for 30 minutes, then wash out with shampoo.



    Mayan's Secret Amla Oil
    jojoba oil
    vitamin E oil

    Gently apply a few drops to face and neck after cleansing.


    Mayan's Secret Amla Oil
    almond oil
    lavender essential oil

    Warm the mixture and use it for a soothing body massage.




    Amber Glass Bottles and Glass Droppers: We prioritizes the quality of our oil by utilizing amber glass bottles and glass droppers, safeguarding it from light and external factors. This preserves the oil's potency that promotes best skincare.
    Extended Shelf Life and Potency: We ensure the long-lasting effectiveness of our expeller pressed, organic oil through our packaging that protects it from light-induced oxidation. It extends the shelf life and preserves the potency of the oil, allowing everyone to experience its lightweight, and non-greasy properties enriched with vitamins for an extended period.
    Commitment to Packaging Excellence: Mayan's Secret's unwavering commitment to exceptional quality is demonstrated through our packaging. This choice not only preserves and protects our oil but also enhances the overall skincare experience, reflecting their dedication to providing natural, nourishing, and effective products.