Savage Worlds
Hellfrost Land of Fire - Tales from the sands

Zustand: Stand nur im RPG Regal herum, wurde nie Gelesen!

The heroes of old are long dead, but they are far from forgotten.

For untold generations their names have flowed through time, their lives immortalized through the storytellers who speak of their courage, wit, and good fortune. Now the time has come for new names to be added to the list of honor and new stories to be told.

The path ahead for those chosen to carry the burden of hero status will be arduous. Many will fall by the wayside, their part in the story consigned to oblivion. Others will rise above the challenges set before them and earn the only true form of immortality.

Tales from the Sands is an adventure pack for Hellfrost: Land of Fire and contains:

The Golden Queen, in which a misguided soul seeks to make slaves of the entire continent by calling upon an ancient power.

Darkness at Darshab, in which a small village is beset by a terrible evil that gnaws at its heart and soul.

The Last Voyage of Sinbad, in which the heroes become bold mariners in the hope of conversing with Sinbad the Sailor.

Reign of Fire, in which the heroes must prevent the land being consumed by fire.

Each scenario includes encounter location maps and full monster stats and is published for the Hellfrost: Land of Fire setting by Triple Ace Games for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.