Dried Banana Leaves

20-80g bags of dried banana leaves

The leaves of the Thai banana tree (Musa sapientum) have long been used in the same way as Indian Almond leaves, to prevent and treat diseases such as fungal diseases, fin rot, mucous membrane damage, ecto-parasites and bite / collision injuries and to promote bio-film growth for shrimps to graze on.

These organic, pesticide free, dried Thai Banana Leaves are ideal for the likes of Bettas, Discus, Angels, Gouramis, South American Dwarf Cichlids, Corys, Killifish, Tetras and Freshwater Shrimps.

They greatly promote the colour of fish and help prepare fish, especially Betta Splendens, to spawn as well as providing a natural cover for shrimps and fry.

Before adding to your aquarium, blanch the strips in boiling water for a few minutes. This will help break down the cell structure and release the beneficial nutrients as well as helping the strips to sink.