
Michael Happy
Heavy tanks of the Wehrmacht - from the 12.8 cm anti-aircraft gun to the Jagdtiger

ISBN: 978-3-613-03806-6
Title No.: 03806
Cover: bound
Page number: 192
Pictures: 136 b/w photos & 133 color photos & 42 drawings
Format: 230mm x 265mm

Startled by the large, heavily armored KV-I and KV-II tanks of the Soviets in World War II, which the Wehrmacht had nothing of equal to offer, a race to develop heavier and heavier main battle tanks began among the Germans as well. While some of these vehicles never left the drawing board stage, others were built as prototypes at best, a third series has made it to series production. The prototypes included the two tank destroyers “Sturer Emil” and “Jagdtiger”, but only the latter made it into series production.
After his successful book about the super-heavy Panzerkampfwagen "Maus", Michael Fröhlich now takes care of these two heavyweights with the same meticulousness in this new volume, which shared the 12.8 cm gun with the "Maus". Illustrated by more than 220 unique pictures, drawings and sketches, the technology, armament, motorization and the history of the development of these tank destroyers are described competently and in detail. As a special treat, the original description of the 12.8 cm Panzerjägerkanone 80 with which the "Jagdtiger" was equipped, including the equipment list, is reprinted in this book.
Startled by the large, heavily armored KV-I and KV-II tanks of the Soviets in World War II, which the Wehrmacht had nothing of equal to offer, a race to develop heavier and heavier main battle tanks began among the Germans as well. While some of these vehicles never left the drawing board stage, others were built as prototypes at best, a third series has made it to series production. The prototypes included the two tank destroyers “Sturer Emil” and “Jagdtiger”, but only the latter made it into series production. After his successful book about the super-heavy Panzerkampfwagen "Maus", Michael Fröhlich now takes care of these two heavyweights with the same meticulousness in this new volume, which shared the 12.8 cm gun with the "Maus". Illustrated by more than 220 unique pictures, drawings