Here is a Type 1 - MORTE PRIMA DI DISONORE – 2 TROY OUNCE – 39MM silver round with the skull designed reverse side.

Custom antique finish with ringed capsule !

The concept of “Morte Prima di Disonore,” or “Death before Dishonor,” has been used in military units at least as early as ancient Rome.  By the time of the famed Roman senator and historian Tacitus (AD 56 to 117), the vow of “death before dishonor” had become “old-fashioned and something only uttered by barbarians.”  However some two centuries earlier, it was Catiline (108 to 62 BC), the Roman politician who attempted to overthrow the Roman Republic who urged it.  The famous concept of death as preferable to dishonor, if not the actual phrase, is not limited to the western world.  For example, it was also advocated by the Japanese bushido code of samurai warrior who would rather die than live with dishonor brought on by surrender.  In more recent history, the saying has become a popular tattoo in different variations and designs popular in different military units and groups.