Brand New
Pixicade Mobile Game Maker
Create and Play your own Video Games!
Create 1200 Games!
  • Kids love creating their own video games
  • Open ended play, unlimited potential
  • Self-paced, independent play
  • 3 easy steps to make your own video game
  • Just draw, snap and play!
  • Allows your child to express their creativity
  • Every time you play is a new experience
  • Shhh... It’s actually educational!

  • Kids and teens use colored markers and paper to turn hand-drawn concepts into instantly playable video games! This game does not fit into any existing toy category and the only limitation on Pixicade is your imagination! Simply draw your game on paper, snap a pic of it, and then play an animated version on your phone or tablet! Create your own character, build obstacles for them to overcome, and design the goal for how to win the game! This is a game you will feel good having your kids play for hours at a time!