TITLE: WE JAPANESE (Combined Edition)

We Japanese :Being Descriptions of Many of the Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Festivals, Arts and Crafts of the Japanese Besides Numerous Other Subjects (Combined edition - 3 vol in 1)

Book I : Written by Frederic De Garis for H.S.K. Yamaguchi

Book II: Written by Atsuharu Sakai for H.S.K. Yamaguchi

Book III: Written by Atsuharu Sakai for K.M. Yamaguchi

This book was originally a collection of information on Japanese customs, festivals, ceremonies, as well as history, arts, religions, and traditions printed on the reverse side of the menu-cards of the Fujiya Hotel for the benefits of its guests and it was first published in book form some time before the war. Volume II was added a few years later and Volume III shortly after the war.

The book is dedicated to all past, present and future visitors to Japan.

Beautifully bound in traditional manner, and the covers and the book box are covered with traditionally hand-dyed fabric and ivory hinge closure. Memorable copy for all interested people.