Includes two items, strategy guide and actual game (complete in box with manual and inserts) in tin collector's case.

Note, I ship everywhere permitted by law. If you see a message or notification indicating that I don't ship to your location, it is most likely a result of yet another eBay glitch. Feel free to reach out to make sure.

Shipping Timelines

While handling time can, on very rare occasions (usually in cases of emergency or of an extremely heavy workload), take up to 3 days, I do my best to ship within roughly 24 hours of receipt of payment, whenever possible. 

Delivery Timelines and Time Sensitive Orders

Please be aware, however, that I cannot guarantee delivery of any particular item on or before any particular date. Once I drop the item off at the post office or carrier, it is literally out of my hands and in the hands of the carrier. This is rarely a concern for my offerings (as the majority of them are collectible and/or niche items that are not purchased for their utility), but if your delivery is time sensitive, please feel free to reach out to me in advance and I can work with you to arrange appropriate shipping options.

Generally, I do NOT recommend using USPS shipping for time sensitive orders of any kind. It can be a good and cost effective service for most cases, but it is not usually a good option if time is a factor. Delays and misadventures are all too common with the USPS in the best of times, and we are not currently living in the best of times. They almost never actually lose packages, but snail mail is called that for a reason, and they can sure as heck forget to scan packages, misplace them, misfile them, and who knows what else. For time sensitive packages, FedEx or UPS are a better bet.

When it comes to international shipping, eBay standard international shipping tends to work well enough, but timing can, as with most cases of international delivery and transit, be unpredictable.


Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at any time. I do my best to respond to all messages within 24 hours, and am happy to answer your questions or accommodate reasonable requests to the best of my ability given the specific circumstances.

Please be aware that, in accordance with general good safety and transparency practices, I do not communicate about eBay matters of any kind anywhere except on eBay itself. The messaging system on here works just fine, trust me. Keeping communications on the platform of origin ensures that all parties involved have a clear and complete record of all exchanges and transactions.

Documentation Practices

For security reasons, the process of preparing and shipping most items over 30 dollars in value, all combined shipping orders, and some randomly selected items that do not fall in either of the above category, is documented thoroughly (via continuous video recording), with the documentation including the condition of the item prior to being placed into its box or envelope, sealed, and sent. This documentation will be kept privately on file for a duration of up to 3 months to facilitate and clarify any potential dispute resolution scenarios. 

A Note On As-Is and Untested Items

Please keep in mind that this is a resale store that primarily specializes in collectibles, vintage items, art, games, and vintage tech and has no direct association with any external brand or manufacturer. As such, certain items must be sold ?as is? due to the fact that testing them all is either not feasible or not practical. The listing will usually specify if something has been found to work recently OR if something has been confirmed as non-functional (in which case it will likely be listed as ?for parts? in the case of newer or more common tech and ?for display? in the case of vintage / collectible devices. 

Otherwise, they can be assumed to be untested (with condition description mainly indicating aesthetic elements) or partially tested, as indicated in the listing itself. For example, I can sometimes test if the mechanical elements of certain analogue cameras - spools and shutters and such -  function as expected, but I just plain don?t have a dark room nor, usually, the film to test them to my or anyone else?s complete satisfaction. So, just keep that in mind. 

By the same token, devices that are still in their original packaging don?t end up getting tested if testing them involves ?breaking the seal? on that original packaging, because then an item goes from Brand New to Open Box or Pre-owned. In the rare case where such an item ends up being defective (heck, even literally brand new stuff can have that problem once in a while), please reach out to me via the messaging platform and we can usually work out a return / refund arrangement, regardless of listing status.

TLDR: I can?t test all devices, especially vintage cameras, for full functionality. The degree to which an item has been tested will usually be indicated in the listing (otherwise, assume untested). Most tech related items, with the exception of newer games and such, are sold ?as is? and primarily aimed at collectors. 

A Note On Grading

In cases where a grade is called for, I will usually supply a subjective, somewhat conservative estimate and/or range. Sending every comic, trading card, and etc. off to an official grading authority is unfortunately not very practical, so it?s only done very occasionally for items that already carry very high value and are highly sought after and collectible. Otherwise, expect the stated grade to be close to, but not exactly in alignment with, the grade that such an organization might give out. I do not use stock images in my listings, so you should be able to see at least one fairly high resolution image of the item on sale. I am also happy to provide additional images on request - just shoot me a message.

For items where grading is a concern, I do my best to store them such that they maintain the grade (or, rather, estimated grade) they were initially listed at so long as they remain in my possession. If something happens, I will either update the listing or, if there are already buyers or bidders, notify all concerned parties and, depending on circumstances, work with them to potentially adjust pricing accordingly.

TLDR: I am not a professional grader. I have a background in the arts that I feel helps me make decent assessments, but take any grades I give as rough estimates at best.