Made in China, reinforced and improved with metal materials. The head image shows the installation of the metal antenna, excluding the entire head. The shoulders of g2g3 are made of two metal materials, which are integrated, movable, compact, and sturdy. All components have undergone good combination testing. These parts are modified to replace the domestic reinforced parts, which is definitely different from the real plastic materials, and there is a color difference difference. Strict requirements, please do not purchase. Fix the antenna with a toothpick at point 502.

 I don't know where the number is. Please mark the number of pages on the picture below and flip through the manual yourself.


On page 19, g32 increases the strength of the C-buckle at the back of the calf

20 pages ankle c buckle


The antenna cover on page 29 is red and the words can be seen.



Metal antenna, cut and hard, be careful not to poke your hand.






 11 page metal waist, a sturdy waist, increases waist strength.

The G45 wings on page 25 are particularly vulnerable parts, all made of metal, and Dad will never worry about you breaking them again.

On page 17, the thigh root of g4

The 12 page g2g3 shoulder has two metal integrated structures, with a sturdy movable shoulder and sturdy movable damping.


 G6 increases the outward expansion strength of the thigh root, which is also tough and refuses to flex