A regular supplementation of your diet with this product will truly support your body on many levels. It is necessary to ensure normal synthesis of blood cells and amino acids, as well as proper immune function, so it improves the body’s natural resistance to infections. It is also important to remember the increased demand for folic acid in women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, as this element plays a role in the development of the foetal nervous system. Folic acid also helps to reduce constant fatigue and weariness, as well as maintain proper mental function.
Who do we especially recommend this product for?
Due to extensive losses in folic acid during the thermal processing of foods, its supplementation is recommended for everyone, especially: women who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, and anyone suffering from a problem with elevated homocysteine levels (increased atherosclerosic and thrombotic lesions), with disorders in the functioning of intestinal microflora.

Folic acid 400,00 μg
*Daily portion of the product