Cassiterite Crystals

RRP $26.95

Listing is for the pictured items.

Item Details:


0.5-1.1 cm


0.4-0.9 cm


0.3-0.6 cm

Combined Weight




Cassiterite is a tin oxide mineral. It is generally opaque, but it is translucent in thin crystals. Its luster and multiple crystal faces produce a desirable gem. Cassiterite has been the chief tin ore throughout ancient history and remains the most important source of tin today.

Metaphysical Properties:

Cassiterite can manifest dreams by helping to focus intent and manifestation energies. Cassiterite also provides for grounding and protection.

For those who suffer from issues of rejection, prejudice, abandonment, or disapproval, Cassiterite will help to dissolve the pain and negative energies associated with these feelings. Cassiterite encourages/enhances optimism and positive spirit.

Physically, Cassiterite has been used in the treatment of eating disorders, compulsive behaviours, obesity and hormonal imbalances.

This information is to be used for reference purposes only and does not constitute advice. There is currently no scientific evidence to support crystal healing.