Some great war-time history in ASYLUM: A Survivor's Flight from Nazi-Occupied Vienna Through Wartime France. This 304 page hardback by Moriz Scheyer was published in 2016. From the DJ we read, "How could it all have happened? As arts editor of one of Vienna's principal newspapers before the German invasion in 1938, Moriz Scheyer knew many of the city's great artists, from Stefan Zweig and Arthur Schnitzler to Bruno Walter, and was an important literary in his own right. But when the vicious, brutal hands of Nazism grabbed hold of Austria, Scheyer was forced from his position and his home. In 1943, while in hiding at a convent in the Dondogne region of France, Scheyer began drafting what would become this book-him memoir. Tracing events from the Auschluss in Austria through life in Paris both prewar and under German occupation, the Exodus from Paris, his experiences of a French concentration camp, an escape attempt and contact with the Resistance, and a final, dramatic rescue and clandestine life in the convent, Asylum is tense, raw, and riveting in its immediate perspective and the minute detail of those terrifying, endless days. After Scheyer's death in 1949, his stepson-who disliked the book and its emotive anti-German rhetoric-destroyed the manuscript. Or thought he did. Recently, a carbon copy was discovered in the family's attic by P. N. Singer, the author's step-grandson, who has translated the work and provided an epilogue." Great story of tragedy and triumph in this First Edition in like new condition. Shipping and handling 4.60 Media Mail to US destinations. Canadian residents 20.75 First Class mail. All others welcome but extra postage required and shipped entirely at your risk.