LME49720NA Germany DUAL Line Phono Vinyl MM MC Phono Head Phono Amplifier Finished Board


Cost-effective and performance equally excellent line phono amplifier, sound quality is delicate and natural, accurate sound field positioning, low frequency is very full. LME49720NA, level analysis power, better distortion.

Product materials:
1 using Novartis 35V6800UF audio capacitors for filtering, the human voice is very good, the effect is better than the general low-end capacitor filter array
2 resistors for the United States DALE or VIS resistors, output capacitors for the German ERO, decoupling using red WIMA and ELNA brown God and other senior resistance capacitors
3 PCB for double-sided sunken gold process, line alignment 1 point grounding.

PCB size: 110X76MM
Supply voltage: AC12VX2 to AC20VX2 wide range

Common sense:
MM phono head output is higher, about 1mv to 5mv between.
And MC phono head, the output level is lower, about 0.1mv to 0.5mv


Do not connect this phono amplifier in the antique ornaments turntable, most of them are no turntable ground and internal already have a phono amplifier. There is also no turntable ground inside the previous combination of audio and carbon core needle of the special turntable use.

1pc LME49720NA Germany DUAL line phono vinyl phono MM MC phono head phono board phono head amplifier finished board