Minichamps Diecast legends Carl Fogerty Signed 1:6 Replica 1999 season Ducati 996

This is a large and stunning model for display. These are not “build yourself” prices, they are pre built and official replicas

Sadly original box was damaged beyond repair but the bike has been in a display cabinet since purchase and is perfect.

Limited edition signed version by the man himself. Comes with C.O.A as pictured

No fading on signature and comes with paddock stand

I have set a reserve on the auction but I am also happy to discuss buy-it-now offers. I have seen the non signed versions sell for good money but I am fine to discuss sensible offers if you don’t want to wait for the auction.

Will be well packaged and sent special delivery or can be collected from Peterborough (or West London at set dates)

On 14-Apr-23 at 20:47:55 BST, seller added the following information:

Limited edition….only 500 sign versions exist

Rare opportunity - I have never seen another come up for sale on eBay