Power and pump booster!

S.A.W. is an ultra-concentrated pre-workout formula for professionals. S.A.W. contains the complex of beta-alanine, caffeine, L-arginine and creatines.

Recommended daily portion is 10 g (2 scoops).

Available flavours: Blackcurrant-Lemon, Cherry-Grapefruit,Dissolve 5 g or 10 g (1 or 2 scoops) in 200 ml of water into a shaker. Drink 30 minutes before working out. Begin by taking 5 g (1 scoop) and increase intake to 10 g (2 scoops) as required. Avoid combining with other products containing caffeine!

Please note:

Do not take before bedtime!


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use the product as a substitute for a varied diet. Children, pregnant or nursing woman must not take the product. Do not use the product in case of circulatory system problems or sensitivity to caffeine. Do not combine with alcohol! Varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. The product contains naringenin, which can affect the intestinal absorption of certain drugs, leading to temporary changes in their metabolism. Single intake of beta-alanine in an amount greater than 800 mg can cause tingling and numbness. The product may contain allergens such as: milk, soy, wheat, barley, oats, eggs, peanuts and nuts.


Keep this packaging tightly closed in a dry place, at the temperature of 15–25°C. Keep out of the reach of children. Wildberry.