Coppell TV Repair LLC offers you main board A3AUNMMA-001 /  A3AUQUH as shown on the picture and used in Emerson LF501EM5F.

The board was serviced and tested by Coppell TV Repair LLC.

Upon receiving and installing the board to satisfactory results you can return your old dud subject to the terms and conditions specified in a section below.

Note that the PCB number printed on the board (BA4GU5G0201 3) is NOT unique as the same board is also used in other models that have different display encoding format and as such are NOT compatible with this.

Instead of going by the PCB number go with the two part numbers from the title! Each of those should typically be printed at the top of a sticker you can find somewhere on your TV's board.

You may want to check the 6fMD2jWrXmA video on YouTube for an example of how we test one of these boards.

Common failure symptoms

The single most common failure symptom with this TV is that it does not respond to power on command.

If the standby indicator at the front is red and stays red when you press the power button on the TV or the remote then the problem is nearly certainly in this board.

If the LED indicator is not present at all then chances are you may have a bad power supply; when the power board goes bad it almost always causes the main fuse to blow open. A simple test with a continuity meter should tell you if the fuse is good and if it is then most of the time the whole power board will be good as well.

Repair services offered

We offer repair service for this board.


We offer 30 days limited warranty covering parts and labor. If board needs to be returned customer is responsible for return S&H costs and CTVR is responsible for repairing, replacing or refunding the customer, subject to availability and preference.

Return of functional boards is subject to return and restocking fee. We prove board's functionality with a video, so if you intend to return the board make sure to sign it with a Sharpe so you can be sure it will be that same board we show you functional (if it is, of course).

Total withholding amount for returned functional boards is determined by adding the forward shipping cost, the eBay transaction fees and a $10 fee for testing the board prior to slating it for sale again.
Warranty is voided for boards with traces of tampering, damages caused by poor packaging or other physical damages that are not covered by the customer's carrier.

Once you receive the board and fix your TV you can return the old malfunctioning board to us to receive the advertised credit.

It is usually given as a credit towards the original payment, subject to the below conditions:

1)  Your board must be sent within 14 days of delivery of our board, both per carriers' records. Be sure to keep your tracking number when you send the board to here.

2)  Your board must arrive in good physical condition, with no missing or physically broken components or traces of tampering; electrical failures are OK, but custom repair attempts usually are not.

Violating the requirements would result in us contacting you and asking if you want the board back for the cost of the return shipping alone or a trade-in value we'll determine based on the board's condition.