The size is 3 meters and 5cm x 1 meter and 60 cm
 This is a complete description of what is written on the piece :- 
Number 1.God Names
هو الله الذي لا إله إلا هوAllah is He, than Whom there is no other god
الرحمنThe Rahman
الرحيمThe Most Merciful / The Merciful
الملكThe Sovereign / The King
القدوسThe Holy One / The Holy
السلامThe Source of Peace (and Perfection) / The Peace
المؤمنThe Guardian of Faith / The Believer
المهيمنThe Preserver of Safety / The Protector
العزيزThe Exalted in Might / The Mighty
الجبارThe Irresistible / The Compeller
المتكبرThe Supreme / The Most High
الخالقThe Creator
البارئThe Evolver / The Maker
المصورThe Bestower of Forms (or Colors) / The Fashioner
الغفارThe Ever-Forgiving (He Who Forgives again and again)
القهارThe Ever-Subduing
الوهابThe Ever-Endowing
الرزاقThe Ever-Sustaining
الفتاحThe Ever-Opening
العليمThe Omniscient
القابضThe Constrictor
الباسطThe Expander
الخافضThe Demoter
الرافعThe Promoter
المعزThe Exalting
المذلThe Humiliator
السميعThe All-Hearing
البصيرThe All-Seeing
الحكمThe Judge
العدلThe Just
اللطيفThe Subtle
الخبيرThe Aware
الحليمThe Forebearer
العظيمThe Great
الغفورThe All-Forgiving
الشكورThe Thankful
العليThe Most High / The Most Exalted
الكبيرThe Grand
الحفيظThe Best Guardian
المقيتThe Best Provider
الحسيبThe Best Reckoner
الجليلThe Most Majestic
الكريمThe Most Beneficent / The Munificent
الرقيبThe Watchful
المجيبThe Answerer
الواسعThe Limitless
الحكيمThe Wise
الودودThe Affectionate
المجيدThe Most Glorious
الباعثThe Resurrector
الشهيدThe Best Witness
الحقThe Truth
الوكيلThe Advocate
القويThe Almighty
المتينThe Puissant
الوليThe Best Patron
الحميدThe Praiseworthy
المحصيThe Counter
المبدئThe Initiator
المعيدThe Restorer
المحييThe Life-Giver
المميتThe Life-Taker
الحيThe Living
القيومThe Self-Existing
الواجدThe Author
الماجدThe Glorious
الأحدThe Only One
الواحدThe One
الصمدThe Steadfast
القادرThe Able
المقتدرThe Omnipotent
المقدمThe Advancer
المؤخرThe Delayer
الأولThe First
الآخرThe Last
الظاهرThe Evident / The Outward
الباطنThe Hidden / The Inward
الوالThe Patron
المتعالThe Most High / The Lofty
البرThe Beneficent
التوابThe Oft-Returning / The Exonerating
المنتقمThe Avenger
العفوThe Pardoner
الرءوفThe Compassionate
مالك الملكThe Lord of Power (and Rule) / The Owner of Sovereignty
ذو الجلال والإكرامThe Lord of Majesty & Bounty
المقسطThe Equitable
الجامعThe Gatherer
الغنيThe Self-Sufficient / The Rich
المغنيThe Enricher
المانعThe Preventer
الضارThe Distresser
النافعThe Benefactor
النورThe Light
الهاديThe Guide
البديعThe Originator
الباقيThe Everlasting
الوارثThe Inheritor
الرشيدThe Best-Guide
الصبورThe Most Patient
number 2. Allah is my God

number 3.and14.and19. Surah Al-Ikhlas
1Say: He is Allah, the One and Only 
2Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
3He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; 4And there is none like unto Him.

number 4.  God suffices me 

number 5.Surah Al-Zumar verse 53
Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

number 6.Al-Fatihah

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds -
The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.
It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
Guide us to the straight path
The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray

number 7.Glory be to God and praise be to Him
number 8.Glory be to God, the Great
number 9.
God almighty
