Noah And His Times:

Embracing The Consideration Of Various Inquiries Relative To The Antediluvian And Earlier Postdiluvian Periods,

With Discussions Of Several Of The Leading Questions Of The Present, Day

By The Rev. J. Munson Olmstead, M. A.

Author Of "Thoughts And Counsels For The Impenitent,*

"Our First Mother," Etc.

Boston: Gould And Lincoln,

59 Washington Street


This book has a bookplate from Charles Sanford Olmstead, Bishop of Colorado.

The inside front leaf has handwriting that reads:

"Mrs. Ann W. Olmstead from her husband.


Dec 25, 1854"

This copy appears to have been a gift from the author to his wife in the year of publication.

NOTE:  Pricing was done based on verbal appraisal done with Dr. Lori Verderame, Ph.D., Antiques Appraiser