Schach 2021: Kuzmin THE ZAITSEV SYSTEM.

007 Foreword by Fabiano Caruana

008 Foreword by Peter Svidler

009 Introduction by Igor Zaitsev

015 Introduction by the author

016 A little bit of history

023 Part I - The Kasparov Variation – 12.a4

029 Chapter 1 - Third Match Heritage

047 Chapter 2 - Possible Divergences from the Main Line for White

055 Chapter 3 - The Beliavsky/Morozevich Variation

074 Chapter 4 - The Boston Manoeuvre

082 Part II - The Sochi Variation – 12.a3

087 Chapter 5 - The Main Stream

103 Chapter 6 - A Side Line

109 Chapter 7 - The Updated Modern Variation

119 Chapter 8 - The Alternative Way

127 Part III - The Modern Variation – 12.d5

129 Chapter 9 - The Main Stream

142 Chapter 10 - Vitaly Tseshkovsky’s Attack

146 Chapter 11 - The Doha Line

157 Chapter 12 - Svetozar Gligoric’s Plan

163 Part IV - The Geller/Karpov Variation – 12.Bc2

165 Chapter 13 - The Geller/Karpov Variation

177 Part V - Rare Variations

178 Chapter 14 - The Refutation of the Refutation – 11.Ng5

182 Chapter 15 - Albert Kapengut’s Idea – 11.Bg5

188 Chapter 16 - The Arkhangelsk Manoeuvre – 11.a4

198 Chapter 17 - The Szolnok Move Order – 11.a3

203 Chapter 18 - Oleg Romanishin’s Idea – 11.Nbd2 Bf8 12.Ng5

211 Part VI - The Saratov Variation, or a Way to Avoid the Repetition - 10...Nd7 11.Nbd2 exd4 12.cxd4 Bf6 13.Nf1 Na5 14.Bc2 Te8

213 Chapter 19 - The Saratov Variation – The Main Body

236 Chapter 20 - Two Move Orders

249 Index of Variations

251 Index of Names

255 Bibliography