Begins with extracts from private diaries describing actions of the composite Household Regiment in France/Flanders Aug - Nov 1914. The War Diary of the 1st LG begins with their arrival in Zeebrugge, 8 Oct 1914, and continues to 31 July 1915.

On mobilization the Household Cavalry Composite Regiment was formed with one squadron from each of 1st and 2nd Life Guards and Royal Horse Guards. They joined the 4th Cavalry Brigade in The Cavalry Division and landed in France on 16 August 1914. This account begins with extracts from the private diary of Lt Col E.B.Cook, CO of the regiment which begins on 14th August wqhen the regiment was put under orders for foreign service. This takes the story up to 22 Oct 1914 when Cook was wounded by a shell and was sent back to England. At this point the story is taken up with extracts from the private diary of Surgeon-major Cowie, 1st LG, which continue to 11 November 1914 when the regiment was broken up with the squadrons returning to their parent regiments in the 7th Cavalry Brigade (1st and 2nd LG) and 8th Cavalry Brigade (RHG). The 1st Life Guards, less one squadron, joined the newly formed 7th Cavalry Brigade in the UK on 1 Sep 1914; this brigade was part of the 3rd Cavalry Division then also being formed. They landed at Zeebrugge on 7 October 1914 and it is on the following day, 8th October the Regiment's War Diary begins. It goes on to 31 July 1915 and it makes a most interesting document, thanks to the officer who kept it, Capt the Hon E.H.Wyndham. Entries include all operation orders received from brigade, orders from other higher authorities, reports from squadrons in addition to the daily record of the regiment's activities. Casualties are named, officer arrivals and departures are noted. There are nominal rolls, rolls of honour which include details of PW and their place of internment, and lists of honours and awards.