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Bodybuilding.com Platinum Series: AMINO RECOVERY - 
Blue Raspberry -
Exp 10/2024


When it comes to building your best possible body, recovery is everything. When you're in the gym training to transform, you're actually breaking down muscle tissue, not building it. Without rest and the right nutrients, you can actually hurt your progress, not help it. As a result, proper workout recovery is essential to positive results!*

Start Rebuilding With Amino Recovery*

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which is the macronutrient responsible for making muscle. Thus, amino acids are essential ingredients in any muscle-making recipe. Luckily, there's no need to hit the store: Amino Recovery has got you covered.

Mega-Dosed For Mega-Results (8 Grams of BCAAs Per Scoop). Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) provide metabolic energy while you train.* While BCAAs play an important role in muscle growth, leucine has been suggested to play the most critical role in stimulating muscle protein synthesis through multiple mechanisms of action, including mTor and P13K stimulation (protein synthesis regulators).*

Studies also suggest increased muscular force generation in subjects using branched-chain amino acids—which may equate to strength gains and better results!*

Great Recovery With Glutamine!

Amino Recovery also contains free-form glutamine, an amino acid that can help support healthy immune system function and reduce muscle breakdown.*

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, comprising more than 60% of the free amino acid pool in skeletal muscle and greater than 20% of total circulating amino acids.

Recover and Rebuild*

Amino Recovery is nothing less than guilt-free recovery goodness. It won't damage your diet, but it can help your gains.* Even better, it tastes incredible and mixes instantly, which lets you drink it anytime, anywhere. Free-form aminos are fast-absorbing, which means Amino Recovery can be used for pre-, intra-, and post-workout support.*

With proper rest and nutrition, Bodybuilding.com Amino Recovery can help you reap the rewards of intense training faster than ever.* Recover faster, build better with Bodybuilding.com Amino Recovery.*

Note that Amino Recovery is an incredibly versatile product, so don't be shy about adapting it to your needs! If you prefer fasted cardio in the mornings, for example, Amino Recovery is a great choice before and during your workout. Or, for a general lifting session, mix a couple scoops in a shaker bottle and sip on Amino Recovery as you train.

If you want to increase your daily BCAA intake without the additional calories from protein, you can also add 2-4 scoops of Amino Recovery to a jug of water and drink it over time. For those wanting to limit late-night calories, consider using BCAAs before bed instead of a traditional protein shake.

Finally, if you want to spike the BCAA content of your post-workout whey, simply add a scoop of Amino Recovery to your favorite post-workout shake.