CLAVOS DE HIERRO IFA. CLAVOS DE LINEA OGGUN RAILROAD NAILS, RELIGION YORUBA IFA. SACADOS DE LAS VÍAS DEL TREN. Bien curados y sazonados por las inclemencias del clima. Buenos para cargas de OGGUN y otras obras de IFA y OSHA. Para fortalecer a OGGUN, solidificar tu posición y vencer tus adversarios. Ashé!

IFA IRON NAILS. OGGUN RAILROAD NAILS LINE NAILS, YORUBA RELIGION IFA. TAKEN OFF THE TRAIN TRACKS. Well cured and seasoned by inclemencies of the weather. Good for OGGUN loads and other IFA and OSHA spiritual works and Ebbo. To strengthen OGGUN, solidify your position, and defeat your adversaries. Ashé!