The Rivals 2Two Boys at the House of Each's Affection by Norman Rockwell

FYI: "Rivals, this Norman Rockwell painting, appeared on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post published September 9, 1922. Two boys arrive at the object of their mutual affections at the same time. Now it gets interesting. The taller boy brings a present wrapped in paper and ribbon. The other boy brings flowers. This is a virtual tie. Both boys are dressed in their most impressive clothes. Both wear bow ties, dress jackets, hats, knee socks, etc. Sweetheart will have to decide her preference of suitor based on something other than attire. The shorter boy, the redhead, seems to be saying, "Oh no, you don't," as he holds the fence gate closed. Both boys are looking cross. Let's just hope the contest doesn't progress to a duel as the emblem painted between them adorned with pistols and heart might suggest. Let's also hope a third boy doesn't sneak through while these two are arguing. Although that development would also be typical of Rockwell's humorous paintings.

This is a print taken from a vintage art book. Measures 14 x 10" inches. The print may/not have an image/text on the back.

Comes unframed.

About the Artist: "Norman Rockwell paintings are synonymous with the comforts and life of a small town. From landscapes to cute puppies to curious boys, his work will take you back to a simpler time when life moved slower, and neighbors knew one another. Add a homey vibe to your decor with Norman Rockwell art."




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