Sony ICF Pro70 Pro80  Air-7 Air-8 Replacement Potentiometers Kit.

The Kit includes two Replacement potentiometer Controls.

 One 20KOhm For Volume control and the other One 50KOhm for Squelch control.

The Potentiometers Are in the same values of resistance and the length of the knurled shafts Like The Original. 

Note The Replacement Potentiometers Don't Have the built-in push-in-and-out switches Like the Originals So You Need To Make a jumper to choose as you like between the two positions as you see in the Pictures. 

For Squelch control I recommend manual Position so you can control by yourself.

For Pro70/80 volume control I recommend LOW Position but for Air7/8 They don't have that option.

The Potentiometers Are the best quality. from The dealer In The USA  With a one-year Manufacturer's warranty. 

Radio not include.