History of the Fourth Regiment of S.C. Volunteers, from the Commencement of the War until Lee's Surrender: Giving a Full Account of All its Movements, Fights and Hardships of All Kinds. Also a Very Correct Account of the Travels and Fights of the Army of Northern Virginia During the Same Period. This Book is a Copy of the Letters Written in Virginia at the Time by the Author and Sent Home to His Family. Containing an Account of the Author's Services in the First Regiment of Engineer Troops in the Latter Part of the War. With a Short Sketch of the Life of the Author.

By J.W. Reid

Published:  Shannon & Co., Greenville, S.C., 1892.  FIRST EDITION.

First edition. 143 pp.  Softcover in original green printed wraps.  Front wrap is chipped and rear wrap is chipped & detached.  Prior ownership of Charls Hamlin, a Civil War Veteran and son of Vice President Hannibal Hamlin.  Scarce title.  Ex-Lib.

Reid served as a Private in Company C, Fourth Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, and afterwards as a Sergeant in Company K, First Regiment of Engineer Troops.

I've done my best to describe the book, but if you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.