Dry Dog Food Pug Adult Royal Canin Complete Balanced Kibble High Protein 3kg Bag

Breed-specific dry dog food for adult Pugs over 10 months old, with a special kibble that is easy to chew and contains fish and borage oil to support the skin's natural barrier, with L.I.P. proteins.

Intelligence, charm, dignity and courage - all of these characteristics make the Pug one of the most popular companion dogs. However, its tendency to weight gain and the characteristic head shape means that a specialised food such as Royal Canin Pug Adult is essential to meets its unique nutritional needs.
Royal Canin Pug Adult is a tailored dry food for Pugs and contains valuable nutrients for a vital life. Essential fatty acids from borage oil and fish oil combine with zinc to support healthy skin and a strong skin barrier. The food features a tailored energy content, helping to maintain an ideal weight and ensure optimal muscle tone. High-quality, highly-digestible L.I.P. proteins work to support healthy digestion and ideal digestive stability.

Royal Canin Pug Adult at a glance: