The player supports automatic playback of videos, images, and MP3 playback when turned on.
The player has HDMI 1080P output and AV output, which can be connected to the TV and display module. If using VGA, an HDMI to VGA converter is required.
Supports all 1080P media file formats.
The product is matched with a human body sensor,
For example, when a customer passes through the range of the player and automatically senses the specified media file to play, (the playback ends and automatically returns to the main page for playback)
Remind customers about the introduction and advantages of the product, and attract the selling points of the product.Increase product sales.

This product supports 6 buttons with indicator lights,

On board 6 button interfaces (if more buttons are needed, an additional expansion board needs to be added, with a maximum of 99 buttons) can be connected to 6 illuminated buttons, which can be controlled to turn on and off as the button is selected. For example, select key 1 to play the video of folder 1, and the light on key 1 will be on. Select key 2, and the light on key 2 will be on. At this point, the light on key 1 will be off.

Supports SD card and USB storage of media files.

DC12V-24V wide voltage input. The working current only needs 200 to 300 milliamperes.

This product supports communication serial port programming to control media file playback

RS232 communication serial port interface, supporting central control to send code to control media file work (please contact sales for code information)

RS232 serial port instruction for player operation,

For example: code “@00:06$”, select 6 folders for internal media file playback,

                               @00:99$” ,select 99 folders for internal media file playback,

                               “@00:pause$”   Command media file pause or play,

                                “@00:vol+$”   Control the volume value of the player,
