AUCTION IS FOR ONE COIN... AdditiONAL SAMe ORdeR PuRChASe QuANtitY diSCOuNtS ShOWN beLOW... iNdiViduALLY MiNi PACkaGed (See PhOtOS), TARGetted this iteM(S) MOSt ShiNY, beSt LOokN 💥 tOP PiCkS 💥 OuttA 1St UNOPENED/SEALED LOOMiS bANK ROLL (from local bank order direct from mint)... 111+1 YR (112th) uh 1c LiNCOLN deSiGN... LONGeSt SeRies CONtiNuitY iN (MOdeRN) hiStORY of u.S.a.! ... fANTAStic fuLL RANGe hiGh & hiGheR 2 th' VERY hiGheSt GRade, ERRORs & VARiAtiONS POSsibL thiS YR, YOu Be th' 1St to fiNd'M! !! ... ReCeNtLY CheRRYPiCkd th' 2Nd UNOPeNd bANk ROLL... ALMOSt EVERY ONe uh them hiNtS CAMeO fiNiSh! (See PhOtOS)

 POSt LOCkdOWWN ERa ðŸ’¥ 2021 p 1c 'ROLLiNG TWENties' ðŸ’¥ UNSeARChd fROM LOOMiS bANk ROLL LOt! ... uh COLLeCtR/iNVe$tR fAN fAVORite, i have, (to date) OPeNd M'1St of theM JuSt 2 See! ... N SORt iN2 th' GRubbY ECONOMiC tideS that ebb N fLOW thRu aLL R TReMbLN PAWS, ReAChiN', hOPiN', fOR4fOR thOSe... ShiNY NEW POVeRtY PeLLetS! !!

... W/2o21 ALReAdY MORe thAN 1/2 OVER at th' time uh LiStiNG, RePORtS are stiLL COMiNG iN oN aLL th' NuMiSMAtiStiC SPeCifiCS iNCLudiNG hiGh GRAdes, ERRORs & VARiAtiONS! Let uS kNOW if YOu fiNd ANY! !!

... SERIOUS biddeRS ONLY, feeL fRee to JudGe 1c 2021 p PhOtOS AbOVe 2 deteRMiNe/eStAbLiSh aN OPiNiON oN GRAde...