Thunbergia Laurifolia Thai Herb Antipyretic Arteries Alcoholism DETOX 200 Tablet

Condition: New

Packing: 100 tablets / Bottle

Quantity: 1 Bottle

Thunbergia Laurifolia DETOX Antipyretic Arteries Alcoholism Thai Herb. The key ingredients in the drug 500 mg include Thunbergia Laurifolia 115 mg. And other drugs.

Properties: neutralize fever, cure fever, cure heat in thirst.

Dosage: 1-2 tablets each time, 2-3 times a day.

keep in the fridge or cool, dark pantry.

Compound Thunbergia Laurifolia overview: Scientifically known as Thunbergia laurifolia or in Thai Tra-Dokwhan. It is a common traditional Thai herb used as a detoxifying agent and a cure for hangovers and alcoholism in abstinence and recovery. It purifies the blood and is therefore used as an antidote to all kinds of poisons; ie: snake bite, poison food, insect bites, farmers chemicals, other substances that can poison or toxify.

Its detoxifying properties make it the preferred choice of treatment for hangovers and is prescribed daily for countering the cirrhosis associated with alcoholism. Thunbergia laurifolia is also useful in treating indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, mucus or blood in the stools and parasitic intestinal worms and parasites. It is also prescribed in drink form as a remedy for fever, allergies, and asthma and is recommended for diabetes and hypoglycemia as it helps to lower blood sugar levels. 

The plant is mentioned by the early Chinese, Thai, and Ayurvedic traditions as a remedy for vomiting in infants / for irregular menstruation/gonorrhea/ or sores on the tongue and mouth / as a diuretic / and as a poultice for burns.

Product of Thailand