Dry Dog Food Senior 8 Years+ X Small Breeds Complete Balanced Kibble 2 x 3kg Bag

Dry dog food for small breeds (up to 4kg) over the age of 8 years, helping to combat the effects of ageing and support urinary tract and digestive health, with valuable nutrients and vitamins.

From the age of around 8 years, your small breed dog will begin to show the first signs of ageing, despite not feeling particularly old! In order to keep your dog healthy and active for as long as possible, its nutrition must be altered to meet its new requirements. This Royal Canin X-Small Adult 8+ contains an exclusive antioxidant formula that helps to support healthy ageing and boost vitality. The dry food contains a mix of fibres and highly digestible proteins that can help to promote healthy digestive function. There is also a balanced mineral content in this Royal Canin X-Small Adult 8+, which helps to keep the urinary tract healthy and support overall wellbeing.

Royal Canin X-Small Adult 8+ at a glance: