1pc Accuphase_ C-3850 Core Circuit Pre-Amplifie- Kit DIY

DIY KIT  Project:

DIY kit: Contains the PCB and the components needed on the PCB, but does not include the power transformer .

To complete this project, high level knowledge of electronics and rich experience in terms of soldering and testing are required.

Due to time zone and language communication restrictions, we can only provide limited technical support, and you need to solve problems by yourself.


C-3850 Core Circuit Pre-Amplifier, It is based on the core circuit of the Accuphase_C-3850  Pre-Amplifier.

Tech highlights:

 Class-a Pre-Amplifier.

 Voltage and current dual feedback circuit.

 PCB is small and flexible, more suitable for all kinds of chassis installation.

all-in-one design, single-point grounding, ground resistance is close to the 0.02 ohm resistance value, low noisedesign.

More cost-effective sound modification plan.


Fertige Platine: Basierend auf der gut getesteten Platine der Standardversion des Bausatzes haben wir die Spannung aller wichtigen Punkte überprüft und den Signalgenerator und das Oszilloskop für die doppelte Überprüfung der analogen Wellenform verwendet. Wir werden diese Platine nicht für Hörtests verwenden.

Bitte halten Sie die Spannung der Testpunkte nahe genug daran, +-20% ist auch erlaubt.


1pc Accuphase_C-3850 Core Circuit Pre-Amplifie- KIT DIY