Ready To Hang Canvas Mounted On A Quality 18mm Deep Pine Box Frame

Your image will be printed on the highest quality, waterproof, bright white, fine textured 100% polyester inkjet matte canvas. This canvas is ideal where a fine texture and highly detailed print is needed. Your canvas will then mounted and hand-stretched around a high quality, kiln dried pine box frame.

Every canvas is:

Hand made by us with great care.
Printed with genuine, pigment, fade resistant inks that will not fade for 100+ years.
Supplied with corner wedges for the re-tensioning of your canvas (if necessary).
Supplied with a dentate (sawtooth) hanger so they are ready to hang on your wall.
Individually bubble wrapped and carefully packed in a sturdy, custom made box for the total protection of your print.

International customers, please contact us for an up to date shipping price.

Ready To Hang Canvas Mounted On A Quality 18mm Deep Pine Box Frame