✿ Article: Den officinale  Dendrobium candidum 铁皮石斛 6 STEMS
✿ Flowering period: Winter and Spring. Orchids are not in bud or flower at this moment, photos are a sample representation when the orchids are in full blooming, not the actual plants you will receive).
✿ What you will get: You will get 1 mature plant, start or grow your collection with the beautiful orchids.
✿ Perfect Gift: This beautiful living orchid in a high-end, stylish ceramic pot makes the perfect gift or decor for your home or office. Add a hint of greenery inside your home office set-up with a unique plant.
Gift yourself or a friend a plant companion that's pretty and easy on the eyes.

鐵皮石斛功效及成份 現代醫理研究鐵皮石斛富含石斛多糖、生物鹼、氨基酸、多種人體所需的微量元素以及菲類化合物,石斛能降血脂、具有滋膚養顏、抑制腫瘤功效。 石斛降血糖、增強免疫、強筋降脂、清嗓明目、護肝利膽、補益脾胃、滋養生津、延年益壽等功效。

铁皮石斛花中含有多种挥发油,具有挥发性,可清心解郁,有助于舒缓精神紧张,保持头脑清醒,解除精神抑郁,安定烦躁情绪,因此尤其适合有精神性失眠、暑热不适、躁动不安、工作压力大等症状者,或作为日常养颜清心之用。 取石斛干花少许,加入开水泡饮即可