Lego Star Wars-Sammlung mit 20 Sets und 200+ Minifiguren

Ich bin ein jahrelanger LEGO Sammler und Fan. Heute verkaufe ich meine gesamte LEGO Star Wars Sammlung - sie besteht aus einer Handvoll LEGO Sets (insgesamt 20) und zahlreichen Custom Minifiguren. Die Steine stammen aus verschiedenen Quellen, meist in neuem oder sehr gutem Zustand. Ich habe die Teileliste für jedes Set laut überprüft. Die meisten Sets sind zu 100% komplett, einschließlich der Minifiguren, wenn etwas fehlt, werde ich einen Vermerk anbringen. Ich habe sie überprüft, während ich die Teile vervollständigt habe (sie waren auseinander). Falls das Set gebaut wird, gehe ich davon aus, dass es dann vollständig ist. 
Insgesamt sind es ca. 9000 Teile und 240 Minifiguren!


7171 Mos Espa Podrace 99% komplett, es fehlt: 4 x 3023 Brown Plate 1 x 2

75082 TIE Advanced Prototype99 % komplett (mit allen Steinen), eventuell fehlen Aufkleber

75105 Falcon 100 % komplett

75136 Droid Pod Escape 100 % komplett

75137 Carbon Chamber 100 % komplett

75155 U-Wing 100 % komplett, einige weiße Teile vergilbt

75163 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle Microfighter100 % komplett

75164 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack98% komplett

75165 Imperial Trooper Battle Pack (2x) 100 % komplett

75167 Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike Battle Pack100 % komplett

75168 Yoda's Jedi Starfighter100 % komplett

75183 Darth Vader Transformation99% komplett, es fehlt: 1 x 11402a Screwdriver, Flat Silver

75207 Imperial Patrol Battle Pack100 % komplett

9492 Tie Fighter komplett (angenommen, Set gebaut)

75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydiriumkomplett (angenommen, Set gebaut)

75152 Imperial Assault Hovertankkomplett (angenommen, Set gebaut)

75154 TIE Striker 99% komplett, lacking  1 x 3069b Tile 1 x 2, Sand Blue

75156 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle 100 % komplett

75171 Battle on Scarif 99% komplett, es fehlt:  1 x 4599b Tap 1 x 1, Reddish Brown

75172 Y-Wing Starfighterkomplett (angenommen, Set gebaut)

Minifiguren - Empire

6 Imperial Combat Drivers

20 Stormtroopers + 1 Jetpack Trooper

6 Sandtroopers ( with customized capes, mostly w/o backpacks)

8 Imperial Pilots/ Warrant Officers ( including Juno Eclipse minifig with custom hat)

9 Imperial Crew/ Technicians

5 Imperial Officers

16 Imperial Navy Troopers / Death Star Troopers

4 Imperial Gunners
2 Imperial Police Troopers

1 Imperial Emigration Officer

1 Imperial Officer

1 Imp. Tie Pilot

1 Death Star Trooper

2 Droids

1 Officer

1 Imp. Pilot

1 Tie Pilot
1 Imp. Officer ( Tan)

1 Inquisitor (?)

1 Trooper

2 Death Troopers

1 Krennic

1 K2SO Robot

2 Hovertank Pilots

2 Darth Vaders ( one before transformation)

1 Emperor

3 Medical Droids

4 Bounty Hunters

4 Stormtroopers

4 Death Troopers ( from battlepack)
1 Boba Fett

3 Sandtroopers

1 Landing Technician

1 Tie Striker Pilot


74 Imperial Minifiguren in Total + 37 in sets = 111


Minfiguren - Rebel & other
12 + 4 Rebel Troopers (12 mit Kinnriemen-Gesicht, 4 mit Klontruppen-Gesicht)
2 Custom Rebel Officers

13 Battlefront Rebel Troopers

11 Scarif Rebel Troopers (einige angepasst)

1 Custom Rebel Officer

3 Rebel Ground-Crew Maintenance

12 Various Rebel Pilots + 5 SW Pilot Helmets
1 Admiral Ackbar

6 Rebel Endor Troopers ( neue Figuren, als in set 75094)
12 Customized Rebel Endor Troopers (alte Figuren, wie in Battlepacks) + 29 Rebel Helme + 12 Minifig Beine zum Anpassen

12 other custom SW-related minifigures

3 droids

1 Baze minifig

3 old SW (gelbe Gesichter) Minifiguren
1 Leia

2 Han Solo

2 Endor Troops

1 Chewbacca

6 SW VII minifigs

1 BB Droid

1 R2 Droid

1 Admiral

1 Pilot

1 Hairy SW Minifig

1 Rambo

1 “Imperial” Pilot

1 Yoda

2 R2D2

1 Jedi Ninja

2 Jawas

1 K3PO Droid

1 Carbon Freezing Chamber Technician (?)

5 Scarif Rebel Minifigs

2 Scarif Rebel Troops (Cpt + Jyn Erso)

1 Rebel Scarif Trooper


96 Rebel & andere minifiguren insgesamt + 35 in sets = 131

178 Extra Minifiguren !
242 Minifiguren insgesamt

Detaillierte Fotos der Minifiguren unter diesem Link:

Versand nur über UPS versichertes Paket oder DHL möglich.English: Lego Star Wars Collection with 20 Sets and 200+ Minifigure

I’m a year’s long LEGO collector and fan. Today I’m selling my whole LEGO Star Wars collection - it consists of a handful of LEGO sets ( 20 in total)  and numerous custom minifigures. The bricks come from different sources, mostly in new or very  good condition.  I have checked the part list for each set according to Most sets are 100% completed, including minifigures, if there’s something lacking I’ll put a note. I’ve checked them while completing the parts ( they were apart). In case the set is built I am assuming it is fully completed then.
In total there are ca. 9000 parts and 240 minifigures!

7171 Mos Espa Podrace 99% completed, lacking: 4 x 3023 Brown Plate 1 x 2

75082 TIE Advanced Prototype99 % completed (all bricks included), might be lacking stickers

75105 Falcon100 % completed

75136 Droid Pod Escape100 % completed

75137 Carbon Chamber100 % completed

75155 U-Wing100 % completed, some white parts yellowed

75163 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle Microfighter100 % completed

75164 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack98% completed

75165 Imperial Trooper Battle Pack (2x) 100 % completed

75167 Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike Battle Pack100 % completed

75168 Yoda's Jedi Starfighter100 % completed

75183 Darth Vader Transformation99% completed, lacking  1 x 11402a Screwdriver, Flat Silver

75207 Imperial Patrol Battle Pack100 % completed

9492 Tie Fightercompleted (assumed,set built)

75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydiriumcompleted (assumed,set built)

75152 Imperial Assault Hovertankcompleted (assumed,set built)

75154 TIE Striker99% completed, lacking  1 x 3069b Tile 1 x 2, Sand Blue

75156 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle100 % completed

75171 Battle on Scarif99% completed, lacking  1 x 4599b Tap 1 x 1, Reddish Brown

75172 Y-Wing Starfightercompleted (assumed,set built)

Minifigures - Empire

6 Imperial Combat Drivers

20 Stormtroopers + 1 Jetpack Trooper

6 Sandtroopers ( with customized capes, mostly w/o backpacks)

8 Imperial Pilots/ Warrant Officers ( including Juno Eclipse minifig with custom hat)

9 Imperial Crew/ Technicians

5 Imperial Officers

16 Imperial Navy Troopers / Death Star Troopers

4 Imperial Gunners
2 Imperial Police Troopers

1 Imperial Emigration Officer

1 Imperial Officer

1 Imp. Tie Pilot

1 Death Star Trooper

2 Droids

1 Officer

1 Imp. Pilot

1 Tie Pilot
1 Imp. Officer ( Tan)

1 Inquisitor (?)

1 Trooper

2 Death Troopers

1 Krennic

1 K2SO Robot

2 Hovertank Pilots

2 Darth Vaders ( one before transformation)

1 Emperor

3 Medical Droids

4 Bounty Hunters

4 Stormtroopers

4 Death Troopers ( from battlepack)
1 Boba Fett

3 Sandtroopers

1 Landing Technician

1 Tie Striker Pilot


74 Imperial Minifigures in Total + 37 in sets = 111


Minfigures - Rebel & other
12 + 4 Rebel Troopers ( 12 with chin-strap face, 4 with clone trooper faces)
2 Custom Rebel Officers

13 Battlefront Rebel Troopers

11 Scarif Rebel Troopers ( some customized)

1 Custom Rebel Officer

3 Rebel Ground-Cre Maintenance

12 Various Rebel Pilots + 5 SW Pilot Helmets
1 Admiral Ackbar

6 Rebel Endor Troopers ( New ones, as in set 75094)
12 Customized Rebel Endor Troopers (old ones, as in battlepacks) + 29 Rebel Helmets + 12 Minifig Legs for customization

12 other custom SW-related minifigures

3 droids

1 Baze minifig

3 old SW (yellow faces) minifigs
1 Leia

2 Han Solo

2 Endor Troops

1 Chewbacca

6 SW VII minifigs

1 BB Droid

1 R2 Droid

1 Admiral

1 Pilot

1 Hairy SW Minifig

1 Rambo

1 “Imperial” Pilot

1 Yoda

2 R2D2

1 Jedi Ninja

2 Jawas

1 K3PO Droid

1 Carbon Freezing Chamber Technician (?)

5 Scarif Rebel Minifigs

2 Scarif Rebel Troops (Cpt + Jyn Erso)

1 Rebel Scarif Trooper


96 Rebel & Other minifigures in Total + 35 in sets = 131

178 Extra Minifigures !
242 Minifigures in Total

Detailed photos of minifigures under this link:

Shipping only possible via UPS insured parcel or DHL.