The Mossi London Hair Vitamin 1 x 120 Tablet (For 2 months) (NEW) FDA APPROVED.

1 x 120 Mouth Soluble Tablets (For 2 Months)

The orodispersible tablet form is rapidly absorbed through the oral cavity, larynx and gastric region, thus allowing for increased bioavailability.

The Mossi Hair Vitamin orodispersible tablet does not only slow down hair loss in women and men, but also encourages the growth of new hair follicles.

It also supports glowing skin and healthy nails.

If you have had a hair transplantation, The Mossi Hair Vitamin helps to better nourishing the transplanted hair follicles and increasing the quality of growth hair by increasing the blood circulation in scalp.

How to use: It is recommended to take two tablets per day on a full stomach. Dissolve in the mouth or swallow with water.

After hair transplantation: It can be used as supplement therapy after hair transplantation. The Mossi Hair Vitamin should be used 10 days after hair transplantation.