What is Matcha ?

Matcha has the advantage of being able to take all the nutrients contained in the
leaves because it is used as powdered tea leaves. Theanine is a component of the umami and has anti-stress action and can be
relaxed. Catechin's taste would be astringent, but its effects such as suppression of blood pressure increase, blood cholesterol
control, blood glucose level control, antioxidant, anti-aging, and anti-cancer have been reported. 

More Details:


Tea polyphenols from Matcha green tea powder can eliminate excessive harmful free radicals in the body and regenerate high-efficiency antioxidants such as alpha-VE, VC, GSH, SOD in the human body, thus protecting and repairing the antioxidant system, which has significant effects on such as reduce blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids, remove radicals and anti-aging , and Anti-radiation, anti-cancer and Prevent cancer and other diseases with catechins, EGCG, etc.

Matcha's numerous health and nutritional benefits And it's  high fibre content (385mg/g) is hypoallergenic and promotes healthy bowel movements.



Matcha tea is approximately 10X stronger than regular brewed green tea. The anti-oxidant activity of Matcha is higher than that of blueberries, 100 times more potent than Vitamin C, and 25 times more active than Vitamin E. Matcha contains over 70 times the anti-oxidants of fresh orange juice, and over 9 times the beta carotene of spinach. Matcha also contains a good helping of fibre, as well as all the essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health.



Matcha has less caffeine than regular coffee and weigh less than any other energy drink. One teaspoon of ceremonial grade matcha has 68mg, and a regular cup of coffee has 94mg. Depending on the brand, energy drinks can contain about 160mg of caffeine or more.

Also, when matcha is whisked with hot water, caffeine is released very slowly. The process of caffeine release can take up to 3 to 6 hours, resulting in a long-lasting and sustained energy boost without caffeine crash 



There is a perfect counterpart for caffeine in matcha?s nutritional benefits. Matcha green tea contains a high dose of L-theanine, an amino acid linked to mental alertness, cognition, and relaxation. A dose of matcha L-theanine combined with caffeine creates a ??super combo? that can make you feel energised and focused while relaxing your mind and body at the same time. It also improves the production of dopamine and serotonin, the neurotransmitters that help us relax .The unique property of L-theanines, provides the body for sustained energy of 3 to 6 hours without any caffeine crash.

Our 100%  organic premium grade Matcha is made from the second harvest tea leaves with all the stems and veins removed to obtain fine powdery soft to the touch.

Not quite as sweet as Ceremonial Grade and not quite as intense as Culinary Grade, Premium Grade contain all of the goodness and nutrients found in Ceremonial Grade. 

Premium grade is high-quality matcha green tea that contains young tea leaves from the top of the tea plant. Best for daily consumption, it is characterized by a fresh, subtle flavour, usually perfect for both new and everyday matcha drinkers alike. It is imported by manufacturer with organic tea garden base and located at the high mountain with the altitude of 500 meter above. We have USDA & EU Certified Organic- Pesticides Free, Vegan & Paleo friendly, NO GMO, no preservatives and additives . 

Store in an airtight container to avoid oxidise very quickly and prolong its shelf life.